From: Andy Cende on 27 Oct 2009 20:42 Gents, i just tried to install 11.2rc1 from a live (KDE) iso. I have 3 hd's in that box, sda+sdb with win95 ;), and a virgin sdc (45GB), where oSusi should go. Well, the installer does recognize the facts, and presents a acceptable schema: ~700MB swap, ~17GB root, ~26GB home on sdc, letting sda/b as-is. So far, so good. But i decided to want a LVM setup; by clicking that option, the installer presents a setup with 2 partitions on sdc: one (~700MB) for /boot, and one for a "system" volume group having just ~15GB... so the disc would be used just partly, leaving ~30GB unused. I think, i'm missing the point on that (bug? feature?) Any hints on installing with LVM? Shuld i file a report to bugzilla? TIA --
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