From: Dave Maharaj on
I'm trying to solve the following:


dsolve('-(200*D2theta2 + 2943*cos(theta1))/(300*cos(theta2) + 200)'...
,'-(1000*D2theta1 + 2943*cos(theta1) + 8829*cos(theta1)+ 600*D2theta1*cos(theta2))/(300*cos(theta2) + 200)'...

I get the message; Warning: Explicit solution could not be found.
Is there anyway to solve this?
From: Torsten Hennig on
> I'm trying to solve the following:
> inits='theta1(0)=pi/4,theta2(0)=0';
> dsolve('-(200*D2theta2 +
> 2943*cos(theta1))/(300*cos(theta2) + 200)'...
> ,'-(1000*D2theta1 + 2943*cos(theta1) +
> 1) + 8829*cos(theta1)+
> 600*D2theta1*cos(theta2))/(300*cos(theta2) + 200)'...
> ,inits)
> I get the message; Warning: Explicit solution could
> not be found.
> Is there anyway to solve this?

Try one of the numerical interators listed under

Best wishes