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From: Michael Pantano on 4 Jun 2010 14:17 For my summer research internship through my university, I need to create a movie version of the data we recorded from the summer. We are monitoring the flow of air into a cylindrical vessel through a hole on the side, a few inches above the bottom. I will have data from various angles from the break, radial distances from center, and from three different vertical planes. So, at each point (r,z,theta) I have a concentration value that is to be shown via color. This must all be made into one movie. I'm not too great with MATLAB, and I was wondering: 1) My data will be in excel, so would it be best to just make four columns? r, z, theta, concentration? As a side note, there is a lot of data. About 42 MB Excel file. 2) How do I make a 3-D plot based on cylindrical coordinates? Do I need to use the polar to cartesian conversion? 3) Do my values need to have consistent radial values? ie, we want to record more precise data close to the hole, (for example every 0.5 inches radially) as opposed to the general vessel with is about every two to five inches radially. Will MATLAB be able to make this into a smooth surface plot? 4) Would it be best to use the surface, meshgrid, or some other plotting function? 5) Is the easiest way to make this into a movie just to make each plot, save them, then have MATLAB save the sequence as a movie? 6) Any other general advice? Thank you very much. The program is funded by a large company and we will be presenting to executives in the first week in August. As such, my faculty advisor and I both want it to look as good as possible. Thank you. |