From: Simplane Simple Plane Simulate Plain Simple on
On Jun 14, 10:16 am, jm bergot <thekingfi...(a)> wrote:
> One notices that 36 can find two other squares:
> (a)36=4*9 and 36+4+9=49
> (b)36=2*18 and 36-(2+18)=16.
> Is 36 unique?  What other numbers can find two
> squares in this manner of either adding or subtracting
> pairs of multiplicans equaling the number?

/* double-commented to avoid conflict with svn
// $Id:,v 2009/01/08 12:25:51 dman Exp $

* @file Include routines for the Medical Subject Headings Schema
[MeSH] as used
* by
* @author dman
* TODO: lots, I imagine.
* A write-version
* A better way to handle relationships, as MeSH does not have any
* just constructs its tree heirachy via a naming scheme.

define('TAXONOMY_XML_MESH_NS' , '' );

* Reads a XML file and creates the term definitions found in it.
* Implimentation of the taxonomy_xml_HOOK_parse() callback.
* @param $data XML string representing the MeSH file to be parsed
* @param $vid Vocabulary ID the terms are to be created under
* @param $url The source URL of the TCS doc. Used to create URIs from
* IDs
* @return An array of the terms created in this parsing process.
function taxonomy_xml_mesh_parse(&$data, &$vid = 0, $url = '') {
#drupal_set_message(t("Importing from provided XML data file %url.",
array('%url' => $url)));

if ($vid == 0) {
// We've been asked to use the vocab described in the source file.
#drupal_set_message(t("No vocabulary specified in the form, using
a default 'MeSH' one."));
// Create a placeholder, use that
$vocabulary = _taxonomy_xml_get_vocabulary_placeholder('MeSH');
$vid = $vocabulary->vid;
else {
// Else using a form-selected vocob.
$vocabulary = taxonomy_vocabulary_load($vid);
$xmldoc = new domdocument;

// Use the DOM, not the parser, it's quicker (to code)
if (! $xmldoc->loadxml($data) ) {
trigger_error("Failed to parse in xml source. [$xmlfile]",

// Scan for 'DescriptorRecord' which are our prime elements
$xp = new DomXPath($xmldoc);

// NEED a namespace when the default namespace is declared.
$fakenamespace = FALSE; // set as an option during development - may
be unwanted

if ($fakenamespace) {
$prefix = "mesh:";
$xp->registerNameSpace('mesh', TAXONOMY_XML_MESH_NS);
else {
$prefix = '';

$query = "//${prefix}DescriptorRecord";
$concepts = $xp->query($query);

if (! $concepts->length) {
drupal_set_message('No DescriptorRecords found in this doc.
Namespace problems? Wrong format?', 'error');

// BEGIN the first loop, finding terms in this document
// Remembering all terms is memory-intensive, but may be more
efficient in batch jobs.
// Use a static list where possible. EXPERIMENTAL
$terms =& taxonomy_xml_current_terms();

#dpm(array("About to start analyzing a data doc $url, known terms
are: " => $terms));

foreach ($concepts as $concept) {
// Start constructing a (new?) term
$term = (object) array(
'predicates' => array(),

// Find the id of this descriptor and other stuff from this node
foreach($concept->childNodes as $child) {
if ($child->nodeName == 'DescriptorUI') {
$term->id = trim($child->nodeValue);
if ($child->nodeName == 'DescriptorName') {
$term->name = trim($child->nodeValue);
if ($child->nodeName == 'TreeNumberList') {
$term->TreeNumberList = array();
foreach($child->childNodes as $treenumber) {
if ($treenumber->nodeName == 'TreeNumber') {
$term->TreeNumberList[] = trim($treenumber->nodeValue);

if(! $term->id) {
$term->id = $concept->getAttribute('id');

$term->uri = $url;

// Try to find a desciption. Use the ScopeNote of the Preferred
concept. Seems to be the most useful
$notes = $xp->query("${prefix}ConceptList/${prefix}
Concept[@PreferredConceptYN='Y']/${prefix}ScopeNote", $concept);
if (! empty($notes)) {
foreach ($notes as $note) {
$term->description = trim($note->nodeValue);

$synonyms = $xp->query("//${prefix}TermList/${prefix}Term/${prefix}
String", $concept);
foreach ($synonyms as $synonym) {
$term->synonym_array = trim($synonym->nodeValue);
$term->predicates[TAXONOMY_XML_HAS_SYNONYM][] = trim($synonym-
>nodeValue) ;
$term->relationships = array();

// Parents and children are NOT given in normal MeSH syntax.
// They should be :-(. I run on a cooked version that has added
rdf relationships where needed.
// Find parents. Store them in an array for later linking
$parents = $xp->query("rdfs:subClassOf", $concept);
foreach ($parents as $rel) {
// sorry hazy code here. Can't recall if we index on url or name
(sometimes both)
$reftarget = ($rel->getAttribute('rdf:resource')) ? $rel-
>getAttribute('rdf:resource') : $rel->textContent;
$refname = $rel->textContent ? $rel->textContent : $reftarget;

// Large problem
// When importing subtrees
// - that contain children with multiple parents
// - where one of the parents is OUTSIDE the current subtree
// We do NOT want to instantiate it, as it creates broken twigs
// The only way to guess which is the true parent and which is
the step-parent
// is to see which one already exists, as it (should) have ben
// at an earlir time.
// For this we need to do a database lookup (which we would do
below anyway)
// See if we know it
if (isset($terms[$reftarget]) ) {
$term->predicates[$reltype][$reftarget] = $reftarget ;
// Fine, it must be kosher. no problem.
else {
// or can find it
$target_term = _taxonomy_xml_get_term_placeholder($refname,
if(empty($target_term->tid)) {
// It does not exist. Therefore don't even make a
placeholder, just discard it
// Later runs WILL establish the connection when both items
exist, so this hole can be safely patched.
#drupal_set_message("Discarding deadbeat dad - '$refname' is
never around, so disowning it as a parent of {$term->name}");
else {
$term->predicates[$reltype][$reftarget] = $reftarget ;
// Add it to the current array, seeing as we have it now.
$terms[$reftarget] = &$target_term;
$terms[$refname] = &$target_term;
unset($target_term); // careful when using handles!

// Find children. Store them in an array for later linking
$children = $xp->query("wn:hyponym", $concept);
foreach ($children as $rel) {
$reftarget = ($rel->getAttribute('rdf:resource')) ? $rel-
>getAttribute('rdf:resource') : $rel->textContent;
$term->predicates[$reltype][$reftarget] = $reftarget ;
// Note the targets we will need to ensue we know about later
$refname = $rel->textContent ? $rel->textContent : $reftarget;
$term->relationships[$reftarget] = $refname ;
// Let other hooks do their own logic with the data on save.
$term->xml = $xmldoc->saveXML($concept);

#dpm(array("found a taxonConcept ". $term->name ." " . $term->id,
// Add this term to our list, indexed as best we can.
$terms[$term->id] = $term;

// If we were loading a remote file, and the file contains only
one Concept, then the file URI represents the concept.
// This is not strictly precise enough - it should be the #ID
inside the doc, but this is the way the current web services work.
// Index this thing as a duplicate handle so we can find it easily
if asked for the URL
if ($url && (count($concepts) == 1)) {
$terms[$url] = &$terms[$term->id];

// Fill in gaps in the terms array
// Ensure we can find the subject terms of any predicates we just
// relationships is a temp array containing refs to both parents
and children - just for looping
foreach ((array)$term->relationships as $reftarget => $refname) {
if (! isset($terms[$reftarget]) ) {
$target_term = _taxonomy_xml_get_term_placeholder($refname,
#if(! $target_term->tid) {
# drupal_set_message("We will have to make a new placeholder
term called $refname to support its mention from within {$term-
$terms[$reftarget] = &$target_term;
$terms[$refname] = &$target_term;
unset($target_term); // careful when using handles!


#dpm(array("initialized placeholder terms from the input, now to
flesh them out and structure them" => $terms));

// The first placeholder term definitions are set up.
// They may want to refer to each other, So now scan the refs for
known referees
// and actually create them so we have tids to link.
// $terms list may also include pre-existing terms, included for
cross-reference and linking

foreach ($terms as $identifier => &$term) {
// Skip duplicates (some dupes may exist due to the use of
if (!empty($term->taxonomy_xml_presaved)) continue;

if (!isset($term->uri)) {
$term->uri = $identifier;

// Translate the predicate statements into the syntax we need

// Data is now massaged and referring to itself correctly,
// Start creating terms so we can retrieve term ids

// Ensure name is valid
if (! $term->name) {
drupal_set_message(t("Problem, we were unable to find a specific
label for the term referred to as %uri. Guessing that %name will be
good enough.", array('%uri' => $term->URI, '%name' => $term->name)));

#dpm(array("Looking for an existing definition or making a
placeholder for " => $term));

// See if a definition already exists in the DB. Build on that.
Otherwise start setting up a new prototype $term object.
// This does a get by name. If we had a better GUID to lookup,
should try that instead
$existing_term = _taxonomy_xml_get_term_placeholder($term->name,
// Merge the old term objects properties into this one. Really
just want its tid, but there may be more info I should not lose.
// Our new input takes precedence over older data
foreach ((array)$existing_term as $key => $value) {
if (! isset($term->$key)) {
$term->$key = $value;
// The term object is now as tidy as it can be as a self-contained
#dpm(array("Assembled term data, almost ready to save ". ($term-
>tid? "over existing term":"newly made-up term" ) => $term));

# Here's where last-minute data storage done by other modules gets
set up
module_invoke_all('taxonomy_term_presave', $term);

#dpm(array("Assembled term data and other, now saving" => $term));

$save_term = (array)$term;
$status = taxonomy_save_term($save_term);

// Re-retrieve the new term definition, just in case anything
extra happened to it during processing
$new_term = taxonomy_xml_get_term_by_name_from_vocab($term->name,
if (! $new_term) {
drupal_set_message(t("It seems like we failed to create and
retrieve a term called %term_name", array('%term_name' => $term-
>name)), 'error');
// Merge retrieved values back over our main definition so the
handles are up-to-date
// There seems to be a lot of data copying back and forth,
// even though we are using handles, but this is because we are
// temporarily retaining more information in the $term object
// the system knows how to handle.
foreach ((array)$new_term as $key => $value) {
$term->$key = $value;

if ( $status == SAVED_NEW ) {
// Just remember this is fresh - for useful feedback messages.
$term->taxonomy_xml_new_term = TRUE;

// It's possible that not all the referenced items were available
in the current document/loop
// Add referred items to the import queue for later processing
$term->taxonomy_xml_presaved = TRUE; // A flag to avoid double-
} // end term-construction loop;

#dpm(array('created a bunch of terms, now they need relations set.'
=> $terms));


#dpm(array('After re-linking, we now have all terms set' =>

return $terms;