From: James Ramm on 10 May 2010 07:40 I've been looking at making volumetric data from vectors of X,Y,Z and R. X and Y are UTM co-ordinates, and Z describes 5 different elevations at each XY couple. For each XYZ point there is a data value R. I start by arranging x and y so that there is a seperate data point for each z, i.e the same x and y co-ordinates are repeated 5 times to cover each elevation. I define regular 3D grids with meshgrid by using the max and min of each X Y Z value with the linspace function, e.g: xv=linspace (min(X),max(X), res) [Xi,Yi,Zi]=meshgrid(xv,yx,zv) and use griddata3 to grid R across my 3D grid: [Ri]=griddata3(X,Y,Z,R,Xi,Yi,Zi) Then i plotted this image with slice: slice(Xi,Yi,Zi,Ri,xv,yv,zv) This plots the whole thing as a volume...I guess? But - my questions : 1. Did griddata3 just arrange my R values into the regular grid - it did not interpolate where there are no data? 2. Using slice like this causes the whole grid to be plotted - where there are no R values, the bounding box/grid lines are plotted - can I turn them off, so I will just see the coloured data values?
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