From: Matt J on 25 Jun 2010 12:35 "Sean " <sean.dewolski(a)> wrote in message <i02ar8$7on$1(a)>... > > %A hint; if you're still looking. > A = cat(3,ones(3),2*ones(3),3*ones(3)); > [xold yold zold] = ndgrid(1:3,1:3,1:2:5); > [xnew ynew znew] = ndgrid(1:3,1:3,1:5); > > griddata3(xold,yold,zold,A,xnew,ynew,znew) ============== This will be quite slow in higher dimensions. Because MATLAB's interpolation functions are rather slow, it is probably best to do this upsampling by sparse matrix multiplication (or get a faster interpolation routine from the FEX). Below is a speed comparison of the method Bruno described using interp1 (in a duplicate thread) to essentially the same method replacing interp1 by a sparse matrix multiplication. U=rand( 120,100,100); %Method interp1 tic; p = size(U,3); Unew = permute(U,[3 1 2]); Unew = interp1(1:p,Unew,1:0.5:p); Unew = ipermute(Unew,[3 1 2]); toc; %Elapsed time is 0.340892 seconds. %Method: sparse matrix tic; [nx,ny,N]=size(U); A=[speye(N),spdiags(ones(N,2),-1:0,N,N-1)/2]; A(:,[1:2:end,2:2:end])=A; A=A.'; p = size(U,3); Unew = reshape(U,[],p).'; Unew = A*Unew; Unew2=reshape(Unew.',nx,ny,[]); toc; %Elapsed time is 0.067520 seconds. Also, as i;llustated below you can abbreviate the syntax of the sparse matrix approach using my KronProd tool You can also save the KronProd object for later reuse on arrays of the same size. Z=KronProd({1,1,A},[1,2,3],[nx,ny,N]); %make KronProd object tic; %Assume KronProd object has been saved previously for reuse Unew=Z*U; toc; %Elapsed time is 0.042638 seconds. |