Strange thing happened after my own video crashed. Hello, I was watching my own video (locally on the pc)... and I shut it down and then it crashed... I can't remember if it was played with Windows Media Player or WinAmp. The following happened it said: "runtime error" (210 I think it was) Then I noticed my internet connection was active... it was sending ... 21 Mar 2010 15:05
Windows7 64bits Credential Manager not working Hi, I've been trying for some time now to "convince" the Credential Manager under windows 7 Proffesional (64bits) to work. I have various websites where I need to input credentials and I am used with the one on my work laptop (works like a charm) but I can't seem to make the W7 default one to work. I'd go to... 23 Mar 2010 20:38
running Flash using IE8 on x64 system [Crosspost to Win 64-bit General newsgroup] By default, IE6 or IE7 will be installed after I finish re-installing my system. By default, IE6 will be installed (unless IE7 was OEM-preinstalled). I am going to immediately get all the windows updates, which will install IE8 on my system. My personal ... 19 Mar 2010 14:23
Driver for Sony Optiarc CD/DVD AD-7240S drive I have two each Sony Optiarc DVD RW AD-7240S drives installed. The system information says the driver is for a SCSI CD ROM. 5.2.3790.1830 Sonys site leads to a Microsoft site that talks about 64 bit Vista but no XP 64 bit. So what is the correct driver and where is it? Thanks Bob AZ ... 19 Mar 2010 00:35
XP x64 Upgrade Advice nonsense When booted from an existing system partition, and running Windows Setup from DVD in order to renew the registry, MS Windows Upgrade Advisor report on system compatability says "not enough space on system partition; 18 MB is required." Actually 21 GB is free. Any suggestions? ... 18 Mar 2010 09:21
on-screen keyboard issue on Win7 64-bit I am running my 32 bit application on a Win7 64-bit machine and when my code tries to open the on-screen keyboard via the ShellExecute command, e.g. ShellExecute(NULL,_T("open"),_T("osk.exe"), NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL), the osk process runs but shows the message "Could not start On-Screen Keybaord." I can run... 18 Mar 2010 01:36
IE9 for XP x64 ? Hello! Q. Does Platform Preview run on Windows XP? A. No. Q. Will the final release of Internet Explorer 9 install side by side with earlier versions of Internet Explorer 8? Will Internet Explorer 9 run on Windows X... 17 Mar 2010 18:44
Multiple contacts In Windows 7 there are multiple lists of contacts - in Windows Live Mail, in C:\Owner, etc. Recently, I've counted 5 of them. Apparently, they are not connected and update of one list leaves all others lists unchanged. It's a hassle to keep all lists current. Is there a way to consolidate all lists of contacts a... 18 Mar 2010 13:01
Windows 7 Keeps chanting date time Hello, I am located in Brazil and set my date/time defaults to Brasilia capital of brazil (UTC-03:00). When I go and synchronize my clock from the internet, any of the servers will give me the correct local time, but after a few minutes windows 7 will change the time to 3 hours before. Yes, always 3 hours e... 26 Mar 2010 02:31
Special Rights needed for ODBC access in WIN 7-64? I have an access 2007 database, frontending a MYSQL database. Works fine on all of our XP boxes. For WIn7: When I go into ODBC administration, I can set up the ODBC connection, as a System data source, and it tests fine. When I actually try to use the database, I get Connection failed, even just trying to... 18 Mar 2010 16:40 |