From: Kris on 27 Jul 2010 15:27 I am trying to simulate and understand the Signal to Quantization Noise Ratio (SQNR) for a linear ADC. This file will later be expanded to include noise shaping etc and also to choose the converter of choice. Here is my question- 1) I have calculated the Noise power using the variance of a uniform pdf which is Q^2/12, where Q is the quantization level. This noise power when used with Signal power to compute SQNR turns out ok according to the standard formula 6.02 N + 1.76 dB. This is called AvgNoisePowerIdeal in the sim below 2) When i used the statistics of the quantization error to compute quantization noise power the SQNR turns out higher. This noise power is called AvgNoisePower below in the sim. I am unable to reconcile difference between the two. any help would be helpful. thanks! The full .m file is below close all clear all clc A = 0.7; % Peak amplitude in Volts f = 1000; %Fundamental Frequency in Hz Fs = 10000 ; %Sampling frequency in Hz Ts = 1/Fs; n = 5; % Simulation length in Seconds n = n/Ts;% Simulation length in number of sampling instants NFFT = 2^nextpow2(n);%vector length for FFT DC = 0.0; TimeVector = (0:n-1)*Ts; %AWGN = randn(size(TimeVector)); AWGN = zeros(size(TimeVector)); Signal = DC + A*sin(2*pi*f*TimeVector) + AWGN; FreqVector = linspace(-Fs/2,Fs/2,NFFT); %Scaling of FFT so the result is independent of n a = fft(Signal,NFFT)./n; %TWO SIDED MAGNITUDE SPECTRUM - log scale figure(2) plot(FreqVector,20*log10(fftshift(abs(a)))); title('Two sided Magnitude Spectrum'); xlabel('Frequency in Hz'); ylabel('Magnitude in dBV'); %POWER SPECTRAL DENSITY BW = Fs; Pxx = abs(a).*conj(abs(a))/BW; %power spectral density figure(3) hpsd = dspdata.psd(Pxx,'Fs',Fs,'SpectrumType','twosided'); plot(hpsd); % NO DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THIS PLOT AND THE ONE ABOVE. % figure(6) % plot(FreqVector/1000,10*log10(Pxx)); % title('two sided power spectral density'); % xlabel('frequency in hz'); % ylabel('dB/hz'); %Uniform Quantization NumBits = 14; FSV = 2*A; % Full scale Voltage assumed to be 1.4 V %Quantization step in V Q = FSV/(2^NumBits); %DC offset in signal corresponds to input common mode voltage %Input signal is divided by FSV/2 so quantized output signal is in range of % -1 to 1 ScaledInput = (Signal-DC)./(FSV/2); ScaledQ = Q/(FSV/2); %Quantized code value in decimal QuantizedOutput = round(ScaledInput/ScaledQ); error = ScaledInput-(QuantizedOutput*ScaledQ); %Average Noise power will always be 0.5 for this simulation because of %input signal scaling AvgSignalPower = sum(ScaledInput.^2)./n; AvgNoisePower = sum(error.^2)./n; %Average Noise power of uniform pdf AvgNoisePowerIdeal = ScaledQ^2/12; SQNR = 10*log10(AvgSignalPower/AvgNoisePower) %2's complement output %AdcOutput = dec2bin(mod((QuantizedOutput),2^NumBits),NumBits); AdcOutput = QuantizedOutput; % figure(4)whos % plot(ScaledInput,error); % title('Quantization Error vs Scaled input voltage (scaled by FSV/2'); % xlabel('Scaled Input- Unitless'); % ylabel('error in V'); %y = fft(bin2dec(AdcOutput),NFFT)/n; y = fft((AdcOutput),NFFT)/n; figure(5) plot(FreqVector,20*log10(fftshift(abs(y))*ScaledQ)); title('Magnitude Spectrum of a practical A/D'); xlabel('Frequency in Hz'); ylabel('dB');
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