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Next: 40 TH ANNIVERSARY OF TELFER MINE DISCOVERY ON OCT 14TH 2010. Copy herein of letter sent to WESTERN AUSTRALIA PREMIER COLIN BARNETT as personal communication to the Silent Majority.
From: Neville on 2 Aug 2010 07:16 On Mon, 2 Aug 2010 20:16:34 +1000, "|-|ercules" <radgray123(a)> wrote: >WAA WAA WAA > >We've SET UP a phone in line for all guys who have suffered being bumped in the aisle >by KMart check out chicks! Perhaps you just need to shorten the width of your hips so they don't take up the whole frickin' aisle?
From: |-|ercules on 2 Aug 2010 08:19
almost forgot WAAA WAAA Herc |