From: Alain Picard on
Lars Rune Nøstdal <larsnostdal(a)> writes:

> My first try:
> (loop :for i :from 1 :upto 100
> :doing (cond
> ((= 0 (mod i 3) (mod i 5)) (write-line "FizzBuzz"))
> ((= 0 (mod i 3)) (write-line "Fizz"))
> ((= 0 (mod i 5)) (write-line "Buzz"))
> (t (format t "~A~%" i))))

Stylistic hint: you don't need all those keywords in there.
(loop for i from 1 ... does just fine.

[Does anyone know where this bizarre habit of using keywords
for loop operators came from? It seems relatively new.]

From: Lars Rune Nøstdal on
On Sat, 03 Mar 2007 23:56:43 +0000, Lars Rune Nøstdal wrote:

> On Sat, 03 Mar 2007 17:38:02 +1100, Alain Picard wrote:
>> Lars Rune Nøstdal <larsnostdal(a)> writes:
>>> My first try:
>>> (loop :for i :from 1 :upto 100
>>> :doing (cond
>>> ((= 0 (mod i 3) (mod i 5)) (write-line "FizzBuzz"))
>>> ((= 0 (mod i 3)) (write-line "Fizz"))
>>> ((= 0 (mod i 5)) (write-line "Buzz"))
>>> (t (format t "~A~%" i))))
>> Stylistic hint: you don't need all those keywords in there.
>> (loop for i from 1 ... does just fine.
> I am aware of this. However I very much prefer using keywords here because
> I can easily separate stuff then. Emacs highlights keywords with a
> different color making it even clearer.

What I should have done was use `zerop' though. :)

Lars Rune Nøstdal
From: Lars Rune Nøstdal on
On Sat, 03 Mar 2007 17:38:02 +1100, Alain Picard wrote:

> Lars Rune Nøstdal <larsnostdal(a)> writes:
>> My first try:
>> (loop :for i :from 1 :upto 100
>> :doing (cond
>> ((= 0 (mod i 3) (mod i 5)) (write-line "FizzBuzz"))
>> ((= 0 (mod i 3)) (write-line "Fizz"))
>> ((= 0 (mod i 5)) (write-line "Buzz"))
>> (t (format t "~A~%" i))))
> Stylistic hint: you don't need all those keywords in there.
> (loop for i from 1 ... does just fine.

I am aware of this. However I very much prefer using keywords here because
I can easily separate stuff then. Emacs highlights keywords with a
different color making it even clearer.

Lars Rune Nøstdal
From: christopher.m.russell on
On Mar 1, 6:24 am, Vassil Nikolov <vnikolov+use...(a)> wrote:

> Note: we do want to do each test exactly once for elegance, even if
> the predicates are tabulated.
> ---Vassil.
Alternatively we could tabulate the responses instead...

(defun my-bool-hash-fun (bools)
(let ((acc 0))
(labels ((hash-fn (list)
(setf acc (+ (* 2 acc)
(if (first list) 1 0)))
(when (rest list)
(hash-fn (rest list)))))
(hash-fn bools)

(defun make-response (&rest lambdas)
(let ((fn-vector (make-array (length lambdas) :initial-contents
(lambda (&rest rest)
(aref fn-vector (my-bool-hash-fun rest)))))

(let ((temp (make-response (lambda (x)(format t "~a~%" x))
(lambda (x)(declare (ignore x))(format t "Foo~%"))
(lambda (x)(declare (ignore x))(format t "Bar~%"))
(lambda (x)(declare (ignore x))(format t "FooBar~%")))))
(defun foobar (&rest rest) (apply temp rest)))

(dotimes (k 100)
(funcall (foobar (zerop(mod k 3)) (zerop(mod k 5)))k))

From: ctnd on
Someone had to come up with the horrible solution:

(defun fb (start finish tests otherwise)
(loop for n from start to finish
for tested-t = nil do
(loop for test in tests
while (if (funcall (first test) n)
(funcall (second test) n)
(setf tested-t t)
(if (not tested-t) (funcall otherwise n)))))

(defun fizz-buzz-example ()
(fb 1 100 (list
#'(lambda (n) (and (zerop (mod n 3)) (zerop (mod n
#'(lambda (n) (print "FizzBuzz")))
#'(lambda (n) (zerop (mod n 3)))
#'(lambda (n) (print "Fizz")))
#'(lambda (n) (zerop (mod n 5)))
#'(lambda (n) (print "Buzz"))))