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From: DJDEL0530 on
Hello all,
New here to forum and relatively to DW and Flash.
I inserted a flash slideshow to this site and it does not work.
I am getting this page load error in IE "AC_FL_RunContent is not defined" and
it points to the Flash code on each page and the "Our Clients" Flash slideshow
on each page is not playing, nor the video clip that should be playing on the
Gallery page.
Any help would be much appreciated.

From: Murray *ACE* on
Upload the Scripts folder that DW has placed in your local site.

Murray --- ICQ 71997575
Adobe Community Expert
(If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
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"DJDEL0530" <webforumsuser(a)> wrote in message
> Hello all,
> New here to forum and relatively to DW and Flash.
> I inserted a flash slideshow to this site
> and it does not work.
> I am getting this page load error in IE "AC_FL_RunContent is not defined"
> and
> it points to the Flash code on each page and the "Our Clients" Flash
> slideshow
> on each page is not playing, nor the video clip that should be playing on
> the
> Gallery page.
> Any help would be much appreciated.
> Regards

From: geschenk on
when looking at the source code of e.g. "about.html", I see that all images
[i](except the header.jpg)[/i] and the following .css and and .js files are
getting referenced this way:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="file:///O|/Web
Sites/Templates/thunder/mm_entertainment.css" type="text/css" />
<script src="file:///O|/Web

From: geschenk on
ok, I?d better provide a hint on what to do ;-)

all those "file:///O|/Web Sites/Templates/thunder/" image and file references
are pointing to a location within your computer?s file system, but the remote
server can?t find those files within his file system.

when "thunder" is your "local root folder" as defined in DW?s "Site
Definition", you?d better check all your pages and replace all instances of
"file:///O|/Web Sites/Templates/thunder/" with nothing actually -- means that
e.g. the current file pointer...

<script src="file:///O|/Web

needs to be...

<script src="Scripts/AC_RunActiveContent.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

instead to work both locally and remote

From: DJDEL0530 on
Thanks ACE. I'll give it a go.
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