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From: Makoto Kuwata on 26 Jun 2010 13:09 I released Benchmarker 1.1.0. Benchmarker is a small utility to benchmark your code. Example ======= def fib(n): return n <= 2 and 1 or fib(n-1) + fib(n-2) from benchmarker import Benchmarker bm = Benchmarker(30) # or Benchmarker(width=30, out=sys.stderr, header=True) ## Python 2.5 or later with bm('fib(n) (n=33)'): fib(33) with bm('fib(n) (n=34)'): fib(34) with bm('fib(n) (n=35)'): fib(35) ## Python 2.4 bm('fib(n) (n=33)').run(fib, 33) # or .run(lambda: fib(33)) bm('fib(n) (n=34)').run(fib, 34) # or .run(lambda: fib(34)) bm('fib(n) (n=35)').run(fib, 35) # or .run(lambda: fib(35)) ## print compared matrix bm.print_compared_matrix(sort=False, transpose=False) Output:: $ python utime stime total real fib(n) (n=33) 1.890 0.000 1.890 1.900 fib(n) (n=34) 3.030 0.010 3.040 3.058 fib(n) (n=35) 4.930 0.010 4.940 4.963 --------------------------------------------------------------- real [01] [02] [03] [01] fib(n) (n=33) 1.900s - 60.9% 161.2% [02] fib(n) (n=34) 3.058s -37.9% - 62.3% [03] fib(n) (n=35) 4.963s -61.7% -38.4% - Changes in release 1.1.0 ======================== * Enhance to take function args. :: bm = Benchmarker() bm('fib(34)').run(fib, 34) # same as .run(lambda: fib(34)) * (experimental) Enhance to use function name as title if title is not specified. :: def fib34(): fib(34) bm = Benchmarker() # same as bm('fib34').run(fib34) * Enhanced to support compared matrix of benchmark results. :: bm = Benchmarker(9) bm('fib(30)').run(fib, 30) bm('fib(31)').run(fib, 31) bm('fib(32)').run(fib, 32) bm.print_compared_matrix(sort=False, transpose=False) ## output example # utime stime total real #fib(30) 0.440 0.000 0.440 0.449 #fib(31) 0.720 0.000 0.720 0.722 #fib(32) 1.180 0.000 1.180 1.197 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # real [01] [02] [03] #[01] fib(30) 0.4487s - 60.9% 166.7% #[02] fib(31) 0.7222s -37.9% - 65.7% #[03] fib(32) 1.1967s -62.5% -39.6% - * Benchmark results are stored into Benchmarker.results as a list of tuples. :: bm = Benchmarker() bm('fib(34)').run(fib, 34) bm('fib(35)').run(fib, 35) for result in bm.results: print result ## output example: #('fib(34)', 4.37, 0.02, 4.39, 4.9449) #('fib(35)', 7.15, 0.05, 7.20, 8.0643) * Time format is changed from '%10.4f' to '%9.3f' * Changed to run full-GC for each benchmarks -- regards, makoto kuwata |