From: Jeremy Evans on 2 Aug 2010 12:24 Sequel is a lightweight database access toolkit for Ruby. * Sequel provides thread safety, connection pooling and a concise DSL for constructing SQL queries and table schemas. * Sequel includes a comprehensive ORM layer for mapping records to Ruby objects and handling associated records. * Sequel supports advanced database features such as prepared statements, bound variables, stored procedures, savepoints, two-phase commit, transaction isolation, master/slave configurations, and database sharding. * Sequel currently has adapters for ADO, Amalgalite, DataObjects, DB2, DBI, Firebird, Informix, JDBC, MySQL, ODBC, OpenBase, Oracle, PostgreSQL and SQLite3. Sequel 3.14.0 has been released and should be available on the gem mirrors. = New Features * Dataset#grep now accepts :all_patterns, :all_columns, and :case_insensitive options. Previously, grep would use a case sensitive search where it would match if any pattern matched any column. These three options give you more control over how the pattern matching will work: dataset.grep([:a, :b], %w'%test% foo') # WHERE ((a LIKE '%test%') OR (a LIKE 'foo') # OR (b LIKE '%test%') OR (b LIKE 'foo')) dataset.grep([:a, :b], %w'%foo% %bar%', :all_patterns=>true) # WHERE (((a LIKE '%foo%') OR (b LIKE '%foo%')) # AND ((a LIKE '%bar%') OR (b LIKE '%bar%'))) dataset.grep([:a, :b], %w'%foo% %bar%', :all_columns=>true) # WHERE (((a LIKE '%foo%') OR (a LIKE '%bar%')) # AND ((b LIKE '%foo%') OR (b LIKE '%bar%'))) dataset.grep([:a, :b], %w'%foo% %bar%', :all_patterns=>true,:all_columns=>true) # WHERE ((a LIKE '%foo%') AND (b LIKE '%foo%') # AND (a LIKE '%bar%') AND (b LIKE '%bar%')) dataset.grep([:a, :b], %w'%test% foo', :case_insensitive=>true) # WHERE ((a ILIKE '%test%') OR (a ILIKE 'foo') # OR (b ILIKE '%test%') OR (b ILIKE 'foo')) * When using the schema plugin, you can now provide a block to the create_table methods to set the schema and create the table in the same call: class Artist < Sequel::Model create_table do primary_key :id String :name end end * The tree plugin now accepts a :single_root option, which uses a before_save hook to attempt to ensure that there is only a single root in the tree. It also adds a Model.root method to get the single root of the tree. * The tree plugin now adds a Model#root? instance method to check if the current node is a root of the tree. * Model#save now takes a :raise_on_failure option which will override the object's raise_on_save_failure setting. This makes it easier to get the desired behavior (raise or just return false) in library code without using a begin/ensure block. * The Database#adapter_scheme instance method was added, which operates the same as the class method. * Sequel now handles the literalization of OCI8::CLOB objects in the Oracle adapter. = Other Improvements * When using the timezone support, Sequel will now correctly load times and datetimes in standard time when the current timezone is in daylight time, or vice versa. Previously, if you tried to to load a time or datetime in December when in July in a timezone that used daylight time, it would be off by an hour. * The rcte_tree plugin now works correctly when a :conditions option is used. * The single_table_inheritance plugin now works correctly when the class discriminator column has the same name as an existing ruby method (such as type). * Database#each_server now works correctly when a connection string is used to connect, instead of an options hash. * Model#destroy now respects the object's use_transactions setting, instead of always using a transaction. * Model#exists? now uses a simpler and faster query. * Sequel now handles the aggregate methods such as count and sum correctly on Microsoft SQL Server when using an ordered dataset with a clause such as DISTINCT or GROUP and without a limit. * Sequel now handles rename_table correctly on Microsoft SQL Server when using a case sensitive collation, or when qualifying the table with a schema. * Sequel now parses the schema correctly on Oracle when the same table name is used in multiple schemas. * Sequel now handles OCIInvalidHandle errors when disconnecting in the Oracle adapter. * Sequel now raises a Sequel::Error instead of an ArgumentError if the current or target migration version does not exist. * When a mismatched number of composite keys are used in associations, Sequel now uses a more detailed error message. * Significant improvements were made to the Dataset and Model RDoc documentation. = Backwards Compatibility * Model#valid? now must accept an optional options hash. * The Model#save_failure private method was renamed to raise_hook_failure. * The LOCAL_DATETIME_OFFSET_SECS and LOCAL_DATETIME_OFFSET constants have been removed from the Sequel module. * Sequel now uses obj.to_json instead of JSON.generate(obj). This shouldn't affect backwards compatibility, but did fix a bug in certain cases. Thanks, Jeremy * {Website}[] * {Source code}[] * {Blog}[] * {Bug tracking}[] * {Google group}[] * {RDoc}[] -- Posted via
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