From: Quest on
New Argosy firmware available:

dated: 05.10.06, relead: today (25.10.06).

best regards


From: rex on
Have two questions I couldn't find answers for, I ask for help:

1) will I loose settings after firmware upgrade?
2) will I loose any data from HD after fw upgrade?


From: rex on
I have followed your good news and upgraded from latest tritton to
newest argosy... now I have corrupted files and folders :retard:

my advice: stay with tritton fw

From: roadkill on
No, settings and data remain. I upgraded to the lastest frimware and
my drive has been online for several days when before it would die
within a day or so. :nod:

From: roadkill on
When I upgraded to the latest the scan did find a bunch of bad files
the first time I ran it. There have been no more since. I beleive
that the latest firmware is better at finding bad files and
preventing more from getting corrupted. So far all the problems I was
having with the drive crashing are gone! :cool: