From: Mr. Arnold on
On 8/1/2010 4:53 PM, JB wrote:
> Hello Community
> Using ASP.NET, C# and SQLServer code behind checks whether data
> is entered into textbox.
> If data was entered into a textbox then the next line of code executes.
> If data was not entered into a textbox then I want to call a javascript
> alert from the code behind that tells the user to enter data into the textbox
> then executes the next line of code in the code behind.
> I can use Response.Write to do that but it is not acceptable in this
> case because the alert must appear on the same page.
> How can I call a javascript alert from within my web page code behind
> and still
> execute the next line of the code in the code behind after calling the
> javascript alert
> has been called?

This link may help you.
