From: VB VB on
Hi to all!
I need help in following. I simulate DVB-T system with OFDM 2k carriers. In DVB-T system the QAM is used. After OFDM IFFT every QAM constellation point is divided on 2048 (number of carriers). After Guard interval insertion (Length of data block is increased to 2560*1) DVB-T signal is provided to a AWGN channel. In Simulink library block AWGN is need to define power of signal!Does anyone know that power of transmitted power i need to enter to AWGN block?
And another one question. After passing the AWGN channel to reconstruct original scale of QAM point i need to multiply on 2048 (number of IFFT points in transmitter). If i don't do this, then QAM demodulator can't demodulate signal ever then noise level very low. But then i multiply on 2048, with DVB-T signal the noise also gained on 2048 and obtained values of BER don't correspond to ETSI EN 300 744 standard.Does anyone have idea how to solve this problem?

Thank for all.