From: Calvary Chapel on 29 Jul 2010 17:12 I am the secretary for our church. We use Access as a database of those who attend our church and also as a way to keep tithe/offering records. The secretary here before had plenty of Access background and is the one who built this database. Other than entering info into it, I know virtually nothing about Access. I have run into a problem and since I don't have much Access knowledge, I'll do my best to explain it. I'm sure it's a small fix, but I just don't know where to find it. All the weekly tithes get entered into a table. Then they get updated to a larger "yearly table." From this, she has made a form that has a button on it to "Open Yearly Statements." This basically opens up a report of all the tithes for each person so that each person can get their own giving statement at the end of the year. The problem I am running into is if someone, for example, puts in 2 separate $50 checks in the same week. These two "transactions" will show up as two separate lines on the table, as I entered them, but when I run the report, it doesn't show the duplicate(s) or even include it in the total. This results in an inaccurate report. I've looked around in the design view and found where it says "Hide Duplicates" and "No" is selected for every data field. I don't know where else to look to fix this. It only happens when the giving date and giving amount are the same. If there was $50 entered one week and $50 entered two weeks later, they will both show up. Thank you in advance to anyone who takes the time to read this and help me out!
From: Rich P on 29 Jul 2010 17:42 There isn't quite enough information to give a clear answer to the question/problem. But we can start here: the Report is going to be based either on a table or a query. If you go to the Report Design view - In the upper left corner of the Report right underneath the ReportName is a small square with a square shaped dot. Right-click on that square dot and select Properties at the bottome of the menu list that appears. At the top of the propertysheet that appears it will say Recordsource. The Recordsource will either be a table name, or a query name, or it may be straight SQL code. If there is nothing in the Recordsource box, then programming code is being used to populate the report (highly unlikely - but it could be the case). Find out what the recordsource is. Is it a TableName - a query Name, or straight SQL code (if is starts with Select ... then it is Sql Code). Post what you find, and then we can take it from there. Rich *** Sent via Developersdex ***
From: Calvary Chapel on 29 Jul 2010 19:02 Thank you so much for your help, Rich! Okay, I found what you are talking about and it looks like the report is based on a querry because when I clicked on the name of it (Yearly Donations Received), it took me to a Query Builder page. I took a screenshot of what it looks like and can email if that helps. Nichole
From: Salad on 29 Jul 2010 22:50 Calvary Chapel wrote: > Thank you so much for your help, Rich! > > Okay, I found what you are talking about and it looks like the report > is based on a querry because when I clicked on the name of it (Yearly > Donations Received), it took me to a Query Builder page. I took a > screenshot of what it looks like and can email if that helps. > > Nichole The query, if summing the data, might be a Totals query. If you go to the menu in the query builder, you can click on View/SQL from the menu and if you see a "Group By" towards the end of the statement, you know it is a Totals query. (Click back to View/Design). With a Totals query one can Group on a column (which would remove your "duplicate" if same date and amount), or use Last, or First. You then would not see both amounts in First or Last is used. If this is a Totals query, in the Totals row of the query designer you should see the word SUM under the column that contains your amounts. Also, I created a table called Table1 with 2 fields; ID and Amt. I added 3 records and put 1 in the value for ID and Amt. If I use the SQL statement SELECT Table1.ID, Table1.amt FROM Table1; I will see all 3 records. However, if the statement is SELECT DISTINCT Table1.ID, Table1.amt FROM Table1; I will see only 1 record because all 3 records have the same ID and Amt value. So perhaps DISTICT could be the culprint To post you SQL statement, as mentioned by Rich, you can open your query in design mode, select View/SQL, and copy the SQL statement to the clipboard (CTRL+C) and paste it into your message reply (CTRL+V).
From: Rich P on 30 Jul 2010 11:31 > Re: Access problem From: Calvary Chapel Date Posted: 7/29/2010 5:03:00 PM Thank you so much for your help, Rich! Okay, I found what you are talking about and it looks like the reportis based on a querry because when I clicked on the name of it (Yearly Donations Received), it took me to a Query Builder page. I took a screenshot of what it looks like and can email if that helps. Nichole < Now that you have located the query -- what you can do is this -- which would be a little bit easier than emailing. Go To the query tab in the Access window. If you don't see the Access window (the window with option listings for Tables, Queries, Reports, Modules, ...) Press the F11 key on your keyboard. This will bring up the Access window. Now click on the Query option and select the query name (from your report). Open this query in design view. Now go to the file menu at the top of the page and go to the View menu and click on Sql View. This displays the sql code for the query. Highlight this code and copy it. Then in your reply to this message paste the code there, and we can analyze it for you. Rich *** Sent via Developersdex ***
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