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From: Nhan Nguyen on 9 Feb 2010 17:59 first .m file: fid=fopen('Project1.txt'); c=fread(fid,'*char'); x=round(length(c)/5) c1=c(1:966); fid1=fopen('file1.txt', 'w'); fwrite(fid1,c1,'char'); fclose(fid); fclose(fid1); second .m file: fid1=fopen('file1.txt'); tag1=fread(fid1, '*char'); fclose(fid1); I want to spit a text file into any number of files and add a tag (1,2,3,4,etc.) at the end of each spitted files and then reassemble them in any order by reading the tag at the end of those file. I need to do this in two .m file (shown above). I got the spitting part, but I can not figure how to add an integer to a file full of character and to get the second file should read each tag at the end. Please help, I got two days for this. |