From: SAM on
Le 6/7/10 6:16 AM, Kevin a �crit :
> Two functions:
> function drawHotLinkButton(name) // onBodyLoad calls "paint the
> screen," which calls drawHotLinkButton(name) to draw a button
> // on the screen that opens a new
> webpage, webpage.html?xml=something.xml, when the button's clicked.
> {
> document.write("<input name=\"" + name + "\" type=\"button\" \/
>> ");
> }

function drawHotLinkButton(aName) {
var b = document.createElement('BUTTON'); = aName;
b.innerHTML = 'save';
b.onclick = upToDate;

function upToDate() {
if(xmlDoc && xmlDoc.getElementsByName([0])
this.value = xmlDoc.getElementsByName([0].nodeValue;
alert(document.getElementsByName([0].value); // verif
else alert('KK prout prout');
