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From: Archimedes Plutonium on 18 Jun 2010 03:48 Now this topic of the cosmic abundance of chemical elements is going to be competing for two different chapters in this book, chapter 5 of Dirac's new radioactivities and chapter 12, the cosmic abundance and distribution of chemical elements. It is annoying for me to have to sort and weigh whether a post is in one chapter or the other, and I guess if the editions of this book reach to edition 10 or 11, that I can begin to fine tune even such a daunting task or organization. Having discussed the proportion of heavy water in Earth Oceans versus in Comets, has made me realize that the Cosmic abundance and distribution of the chemical elements is a proof of not only the Atom Totality theory but also a proof that Dirac new radioactivities is at work. If you study the cosmic abundance of chemical elements, you know there is a puzzle as to why the lighter elements of lithium, beryllium and boron are so rare, when they should not be that rare. --- quoting Wikipedia on lithium --- The nuclei of lithium are relatively fragile: the two stable lithium isotopes found in nature have lower binding energies per nucleon than any other stable compound nuclides, save deuterium, and helium-3 (3He). [1] Though very light in atomic weight, lithium is less common in the solar system than 25 of the first 32 chemical elements.[2] --- end quoting --- If Dirac's new radioactivities is true of additive creation, then there are barriers to the creation or aufbau of these elements for a cosmic abundance. Now in the Big Bang theory, the abundance and distribution of the chemical elements hinges on supernova, creating the elements and distributing them. But supernova are rare and their attempts of distribution would be a sloppy distribution to say the least, and to think they can be such a perfect creator and distributor of elements is so farfetched that these scientists should be ashamed in believing what they believe. On the other hand, if you accept Dirac's new radioactivities, we immediately see and can sense a cosmic uniform creation and distribution of the chemical elements. And because of additive creation, that the lighter elements would be almost nonexistent in stars but rather abundant in the planets that are near the stars. So that we have a rarity of lithium, beryllium and boron in stars but an abundance of them in the planets that revolve around those stars. The reason being is that Dirac additive creation has barriers in massive astro bodies like stars but not a barrier in lighter bodies like planets. So the additive creation process is different depending on the mass of the astro body. And we see this in the Comets having heavy water at 320ppm whereas Earth has heavy water at 160ppm. Now other elements such as technetium at 43 and promethium at 61 are virtually nonexistent in the cosmos at large. Now the Big Bang with its supernova explanation is again deaf, dumb and silent about elements 43 and 61. But the Dirac new radioactivities with additive creation can explain this glitch of 43 and 61, by saying that the process of additive creation, regardless of the mass of the astro body, cannot build or aufbau 43 and 61 since those are weak points in the aufbau. But elements of thorium and uranium at 90 and 92 are apparently overabundant in the cosmos and that is explained easily by the additive-creation that 90 and 92 are energy wells that attract the cosmic rays in aufbau regardless of whether a massive star or a tiny planet. So we see here a union or a link between the Dirac new radioactivities with the abundance and distribution of the chemical elements in the cosmos. In fact, I envision that if someone were to make a Cosmic mapping of every atom in the entire Universe that it would match the mapping of what Jarrett and Juric are doing for the galaxies and stars of the Universe. Both of them were created from the same source of creation process-- Dirac's new radioactivites additive form. Archimedes Plutonium whole entire Universe is just one big atom where dots of the electron-dot-cloud are galaxies |