From: mattschmatt on 9 Apr 2007 19:59 Hello. I download and installed the XPAAJ.jar file used for working with PDF files through Java. Ben Forta wrote an article about this and provided some examples. Anyway, I have the following code that works great until I call the InputFormData() method. When I remove the method, it works fine but gives the following error when I insert it. The method is the very last line in the code below. [b]"The system has attempted to use an undefined value, which usually indicates a programming error, either in your code or some system code. Null Pointers are another name for undefined values."[/b] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- <!---open original PDF---> <cfset doc = ""> <cfset docPath=GetDirectoryFromPath(GetBaseTemplatePath()) /> <cfset PDFfile= docPath & "test.pdf" /> <!---Create an empty input stream object in Java, then init it with the target PDF file---> <cfset inPdfFile = CreateObject("java", "")> <cfset inPdfFile.init(#PDFfile#)> <cfset PDFfactory=CreateObject("java", "com.adobe.pdf.PDFFactory")> <cfset doc = PDFFactory.openDocument(#inPdfFile#)> <!-- POPULATE THE FORM --> <cfset xmlString = "<root><patient_name>Eric Cartman</patient_name></root>"> <cfset XMLBytes= xmlString.getBytes()> <cfset XMLStream = CreateObject("java", "")> <cfset XMLStream.init(XMLBytes)> <cfset byteCount = XMLStream.available()> <cfoutput>#byteCount#</cfoutput> <cfset doc.importFormData(XMLStream)> Any ideas? I can open the PDF and save it just fine. Also, the InputStream is not empty or null. The available() method shows that it contains 54 bytes. Yet I get the "null" error above. Thanks for any help.
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