From: Paul E. Bennett on
George Whiteside wrote:

> On May 19, 7:15 pm, "G. Edward" <bsdcolo...(a)> wrote:
>> Any thoughts? :)
> An update, though not much to report. I've prodded the chip for
> several days and the only thing I'm reasonably sure of is that
> performing the "pulling-D2-low-during-reset" maneuver does seem to put
> the chip in some kind of special mode, as hinted at by the datasheet.
> Haven't made much progress beyond that yet.
> The reason I'm playing with this old relic is because it's inside the
> Power Glove, that thing for Nintendo. Yeah it's been a while, but it
> only gets older every day. We know how to interface it just fine these
> days, but what it's actually thinking/doing is still a mystery. So
> there's more to be known. There was a glove list talking about all of
> this (way back when), but very little pertaining to the actual onboard
> chip. I'll continue my trial-and-error while I resume searching for
> more information and people with helpful hints.
> Having said all that, mostly I just wanted to post this to make sure
> to thank everyone for the hints and advice so far... every bit helps.
> So thank you everyone, I really appreciate it!
> G

Don't know if these will be useful at all.


Paul E. Bennett...............<email://Paul_E.Bennett(a)>
Forth based HIDECS Consultancy
Mob: +44 (0)7811-639972
Tel: +44 (0)1235-510979
Going Forth Safely ..... EBA.