From: Lulu Ardiansyah on
I still can not able to combine the images. The value of delta X and delta Y was very small, less than 1 pixel. How do I overlay them? Is there any code to perform this?

This is the code I use to get delta X and delta Y:

%===Start code===
numImage = 4;
foldersName = 'dataset_30db';
fileNames = 'testimage.bmp';
%===Load base image=================
fileName = ['result_' int2str(1) '_' fileNames];
fullName = fullfile(foldersName, fileName);
baseImage = imread(fullName);
baseImage = rgb2gray(baseImage);
dxs = zeros(1, numImage-1);
dys = zeros(1, numImage-1);
for i=2:numImage
%===Load target image===============
fileName = ['result_' int2str(i) '_' fileNames];
fullName = fullfile(foldersName, fileName);
targetImage = imread(fullName);
targetImage = rgb2gray(targetImage);
%===Do phase correlation============
[dxs(i-1), dys(i-1)] = ExtPhaseCorrelation(baseImage, targetImage);
%TODO next is combine the image based on dxs and dys
%===End code===

File 'ExtPhaseCorrelation.m' I've upload, please be downloaded at
( )

Thank you for your help.
From: Rob Campbell on
Personally, when I've done this sort of thing I round to the nearest pixel. I have so many other problems with my images that if it's out by less then I pixel I'm happy. There are probably clever ways involving anti-aliasing of achieving sub-pixel resolution but this might not be necessary in practice.