From: David Cox on
On Mon, 25 Sep 2006 08:54:12 -0700, Paul Lutus wrote:

> tarotray(a) wrote:
>> Paul Lutus wrote:
>>> Olaf Greck wrote:
>>> / ...
>>> > What a lot of [but bad language here]!
>>> What a lot of ignorance, you mean.
>>> > Sorry Paul, but if you cannot program according to reality admit it
>>> > and do not blame the user for your programming skills.
>> The user should only have to manually input information that is
>> impossible to obtain elsewhere. In this case that's true. Javascript
>> has no possiblity to read the DST, only the timezone. This is because,
>> although most modern OSs like Windows knows perfectly well what the DST
>> settings are down to the start & end date/times of DST, locally,
>> javascript deals with the lowest common denominator of machines (must
>> work everywhere), so it has no way to get to any locally set DST.
> Too bad the earlier poster doesn't understand this. He seems to be one of
> those who expect programmers to waltz around the limitations of physical
> reality.
>>> WHAT? The clock in question is a user-level application. If the user
>>> hasn't set his local clock correctly, there's nothing I can do.
>> Huh? What's it got to do with the local clock setting?
> We are discussing a JavaScript clock application that is embedded in a Web
> page, one that relies entirely on the local machine's clock settings. If
> the local clock is not set correctly, or if the user has not chosen a tine
> zone correctly, my JavaScript application cannot get around these
> limitations.
> BTW the page under discussion is here:

Works for me here......
