From: Arindam Banerjee on
On Jul 8, 8:40 pm, "Me, ...again!" <arthu...(a)> wrote:
> (emails and NG posts)
> Arindam,
> I looked up by google search the three people (all with institutional
> affiliations) I mentioned below and found that they are still active in
> terms of publishing scientific papers.
> I still need to think how to present you to them, how to approach them so
> they might do more than just read my (snail mail) letter or email. And, I
> need to look at your website, too.
> //////////////////////////////
- snip -

So far I have been totally ignored by the western scientific
establishment, and the western media except one article about the HTN
in a local paper. Still, the last was a beginning, and my doors are
open. Yes, I will have to improve my website, put a lot more
information there now currently avaialable only by usenet searching.
Got some time now, will start next week. Thanks for your interest,
may all things go well with you, dear Straydoggie. May the exchange
rates be more favourable (although this will mean that in rupees my
fortune will be halved, but so what, I am not a materialist) for the
US and may they get more and better employment. In return, may the
amount of evil bloodthirstiness in the US population decrease from 90%
to 10%.

Arindam Banerjee