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From: Frank on 1 Jul 2010 11:54 Hi, I have the following SQL Server table valued function that I've written to use as a parameterised view. It takes a bunch of parameters and returns a table of results. Each of the parameters can contain a value or can be NULL. If the parameter is NULL then no rows will be filtered by that value. The function is called from an Excel spreadsheet (using VBA) against a SQL Server 2005 database. CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fnLoanData] ( @loan_start_date VARCHAR(8) = NULL , @loan_end_date VARCHAR(8) = NULL , @loan_currency VARCHAR(3) = NULL , @customer_number VARCHAR(8) = NULL , @department_id VARCHAR(4) = NULL , @loan_id VARCHAR(11) = NULL , @product_type VARCHAR(3) = NULL ) RETURNS TABLE AS RETURN( SELECT l.* , c.strCustomer_Name FROM dbo.Loan_History AS l LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Customer AS c ON l.Borrower_Id = c.Customer_ID WHERE (l.Loan_Start_Date >= @loan_start_date OR @loan_start_date IS NULL) AND (l.Loan_Start_Date <= @loan_end_date OR @loan_end_date IS NULL) AND (l.Loan_Currency = @loan_currency OR @loan_currency IS NULL) AND (l.Borrower_Id = @customer_number OR @customer_number IS NULL) AND (l.Department_ID = @department_id OR @department_id IS NULL) AND (l.Loan_Id = @loan_id OR @loan_id IS NULL) AND (l.Product_Type = @product_type OR @product_type IS NULL) ); I've now been asked to change this so that a user can enter a comma- delimited string to represent a list of items. So for instance, instead of a single department id of 999, a user can now enter 997,998,999. And the code above will need to change to handle this (presumably using an IN statement). I'm guessing that the only way to achieve what I want is to use dynamic SQL, which apparently isn't possible from within a function. So is there a better (or more idiomatic) way of handling this? Many thanks, Frank.
From: Bob Barrows on 1 Jul 2010 12:06 Frank wrote: > I've now been asked to change this so that a user can enter a comma- > delimited string to represent a list of items. > So for instance, instead of a single department id of 999, a user can > now enter 997,998,999. > And the code above will need to change to handle this (presumably > using an IN statement). > I'm guessing that the only way to achieve what I want is to use > dynamic SQL, which apparently isn't possible from within a function. > So is there a better (or more idiomatic) way of handling this? > Check out Erland's articles on using arrays and lists: -- HTH, Bob Barrows
From: Eric Isaacs on 1 Jul 2010 14:29 The easiest way to do it and keep it in a FUNCTION would be to create multiple parameters for each instance of a department. It really depends on the requirements if this is politically feasible. Assuming that the spreadsheet builds the function call and that the user isn't interacting with the T-SQL function call directly, the user could key 998, 999, 997 into a cell and the code could could parse it out into 3 (or X) parameters that get passed to the function. The limitation here is that you have to set a max number of departments that can be included by creating a @Department1 ... @DepartmentX parameters for each possible department parameter. Currently you have a string of length 4. Your existing function will also need to limit the number of parameters as well, just based on the length of that string. The question is, do you want that string to be able to handle 999 departments at a time or say 10 at a time? Another option would be to do the department check outside of SQL. Limit the departments after the data is returned in the result set. Beyond this, you could use a stored procedure and then you have a lot more flexibility in how you handle it. You can call a stored procedure from a function. You could also try something like this where you parse through the department ids and insert the data into the return table with multiple inserts... CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fnLoanData] ( @loan_start_date VARCHAR(8) = NULL, @loan_end_date VARCHAR(8) = NULL, @loan_currency VARCHAR(3) = NULL, @customer_number VARCHAR(8) = NULL, @department_ids VARCHAR(400) = NULL, @loan_id VARCHAR(11) = NULL, @product_type VARCHAR(3) = NULL ) RETURNS @LoanData TABLE ( CustomerName VARCHAR(100) ) AS BEGIN DECLARE @DepartmentId VARCHAR(4), @Position INT IF @Department_ids IS NOT NULL BEGIN SET @department_ids = LTRIM(RTRIM(@department_ids)) + ',' SET @Position = CHARINDEX(',', @department_ids, 1) IF REPLACE(@department_ids, ',', '') <> '' BEGIN WHILE @Position > 0 BEGIN SET @DepartmentId = LTRIM(RTRIM(LEFT(@department_ids, @Position - 1))) IF @DepartmentId <> '' BEGIN INSERT INTO @LoanData (CustomerName) SELECT --l.*, c.strCustomer_Name FROM dbo.Loan_History AS l LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Customer AS c ON l.Borrower_Id = c.Customer_ID WHERE (l.Loan_Start_Date >= @loan_start_date OR @loan_start_date IS NULL) AND (l.Loan_Start_Date <= @loan_end_date OR @loan_end_date IS NULL) AND (l.Loan_Currency = @loan_currency OR @loan_currency IS NULL) AND (l.Borrower_Id = @customer_number OR @customer_number IS NULL) AND (l.Department_ID = @departmentid) AND (l.Loan_Id = @loan_id OR @loan_id IS NULL) AND (l.Product_Type = @product_type OR @product_type IS NULL) END SET @department_ids = RIGHT(@department_ids, LEN(@department_ids) - @Position) SET @Position = CHARINDEX(',', @department_ids, 1) END END END ELSE BEGIN INSERT INTO @LoanData (CustomerName) SELECT --l.*, c.strCustomer_Name FROM dbo.Loan_History AS l LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Customer AS c ON l.Borrower_Id = c.Customer_ID WHERE (l.Loan_Start_Date >= @loan_start_date OR @loan_start_date IS NULL) AND (l.Loan_Start_Date <= @loan_end_date OR @loan_end_date IS NULL) AND (l.Loan_Currency = @loan_currency OR @loan_currency IS NULL) AND (l.Borrower_Id = @customer_number OR @customer_number IS NULL) AND (l.Loan_Id = @loan_id OR @loan_id IS NULL) AND (l.Product_Type = @product_type OR @product_type IS NULL) END RETURN END ....That SQL is untested, but hopefully you get the idea. -Eric Isaacs
From: Frank on 2 Jul 2010 06:38 Hi Eric, Amazing! And works straight out of the box as well. Many thanks, Frank.
From: Eric Isaacs on 2 Jul 2010 16:22
Yeah, I find that testing is for amateurs. :o) No, Seriously, I'm glad it worked out of the box. The multiple insert method isn't the most efficient solution. A function that calls a stored procedure would probably allow you to do it with one statement instead of multiple statements. But if the multiple departments isn't very common, then this approach is probably the most cost-effective from a development time standpoint. -Eric Isaacs |