From: Virgil on
In article <452204aa(a)>,
Tony Orlow <tony(a)> wrote:

> Virgil wrote:
> > In article <45216233(a)>,
> > Tony Orlow <tony(a)> wrote:
> >
> >> David R Tribble wrote:
> >>> Virgil wrote:
> >>>>> Except for the first 10 balls, each insertion follow a removal and with
> >>>>> no exceptions each removal follows an insertion.
> >>> Tony Orlow wrote:
> >>>> Which is why you have to have -9 balls at some point, so you can add 10,
> >>>> remove 1, and have an empty vase.
> >>> "At some point". Is that at the last moment before noon, when the
> >>> last 10 balls are added to the vase?
> >>>
> >> Yes, at the end of the previous iteration. If the vase is to become
> >> empty, it must be according to the rules of the gedanken.
> >
> > But the "rules of the gedanken" specifically forbid any "last 10 balls",
> > by specifying an ENDLESS sequence of 10 ball additions.
> No, the gedanken starts with adding ten balls, then removing one, then
> repeating forever.

That is not how mine starts, or continues.

Mine follows the rules of the original problem, TO's does not.
From: Tony Orlow on
cbrown(a) wrote:
> Tony Orlow wrote:
>> cbrown(a) wrote:
>>> Tony Orlow wrote:
>>>> cbrown(a) wrote:
>>>>> Tony Orlow wrote:
>>>>>> cbrown(a) wrote:
>>>>>>> Tony Orlow wrote:
>>>>> <snip>
>>>>>>>> Like I said, there were
>>>>>>>> terms in my infinitesimal sections of moving staircase which differed by
>>>>>>>> a sub-infinitesimal from those in the original staircase. So, they could
>>>>>>>> be considered to be two infinitesimally different objects in the limit.
>>>>>>> Here's a thing that confuses me about your use of the term "limit".
>>>>>>> In the usual sense of the term, every subsequence of a sequence that
>>>>>>> has as its limit say, X, /also/ has a limit of X.
>>>>>>> For example, the sequence (1, 1/2, 1/2, 1/3, ..., 1/n, ...) usually is
>>>>>>> considered to have a limit of 0. And the subsequence (1/2, 1/4, 1/6,
>>>>>>> ..., 1/(2*n), ...) which is a subsequence of the former sequence has
>>>>>>> the same limit, 0.
>>>>>>> But the way you seem to evaluate a limit, the sequence of staircases
>>>>>>> with step lengths (1, 1/2, 1/3, ..., 1/n, ...) is a staircase with
>>>>>>> steps size 1/B, where B is unit infinity; but the sequence of
>>>>>>> staircases with step lengths (1/2, 1/4, 1/6, ..., 1/(2*n), ...), which
>>>>>>> is a subsequence of the first sequence, would seem to have as its limit
>>>>>>> a staircase with steps of size 1/(2*B).
>>>>>>> Unless steps of size 1/B are the same as steps of size 1/(2*B), I don't
>>>>>>> see how that can be possible.
>>>>>>> Cheers - Chas
>>>>>> It's possible because no distinction is currently made between countable
>>>>>> infinities, even to the point where a set dense in the reals like the
>>>>>> rationals is considered equal to a set sparse in the reals like the
>>>>>> naturals. Where there is no parametric understanding of infinity,
>>>>>> infinity is just infinity, and 0 is just 0.
>>>>> Uh, OK. I assume that you somehow resolve this lack of "parametric
>>>>> understanding" in /your/ interpretation of T-numbers.
>>>> Well, yes. That's the whole point, but I'm not sure which particular
>>>> numbers you mean. Maybe the T-riffics, which are center-indefinite
>>>> digital numbers?
>>> I mean, whatever type of number the /particular/ number "x" is; when
>>> you state "/the/ limit of the staircases has steplength 1/x".
>> If you say you have some particular infinite number of steps x...
> I /don't/ say that; you do. What do you mean by it?

I mean that it can be specified in a number system by a unique string. Good?

>> , then you
>> can consider 1/x to be the specific infinitesimal size of each. As long
>> as 1/x is considered nonzero
> Well, do you, or do you not, consider it non-zero?

Yes, as long as x is specified with a unique string, it's inverse can be
as well.

>> , there is a ratio between the x and y
>> offsets of any given segment which gives a direction at that point. It
>> is clear that when defined this way the directions of the segments in
>> the staircase do not at all approach the directions of the corresponding
>> segments in the diagonal, even the locations of the endpoints of the
>> segments do become arbitrarily close.
> But they don't become arbitrarily close. For example, since 1/x^2 < 1/x
> in your system, and yet your points do not get closer than 1/x, there
> is still "more room" for them to get closer - they /don't/ get
> arbitrarily close..

On the finite level, they do. One requires more bit positions on the
right of the digital point than any finite number to represent this
infinitesimal difference of 1/x. It's infinitely worse with 1/x^2, and

>>>>>> Where there is a formulaic
>>>>>> comparison of infinite sets as n->oo, the distinction can be made. The
>>>>>> fact that you have steps of size 1/n as opposed to steps of size 1/(2*n)
>>>>>> is a reflection of the fact that the first set has twice the density on
>>>>>> the real line as the first. As a proper superset, it SHOULD be larger.
>>>>>> So, it's quite possible to make sense of my position, with a modicum of
>>>>>> effort.
>>>>> Well, let me ask you this:
>>>>> Suppose we have the original sequence of staircases, with step lengths
>>>>> (1, 1/2, 1/3, ..., 1/n, ...). Let S be the T-limit staircase; you claim
>>>>> that it has step sizes 1/B, where B is unit infinity.
>>>> Well, where B is some infinite number of iterations for both staircase
>>>> and diagonal.
>>> "Some" number? Do you mean that there is no "the limit" of the
>>> staircases, but instead many possible "a limit" to the staircases?
>> No, the limit is the limit. Once you have applied an infinite number of
>> steps you have become infinitesimally close to the limit, and have
>> essentially reached it.
> "Essentially" reached it? How is that different from "reaching" it?

It's only different on some sub-infinitesimal, negligible way.

>> Any infinite value will do. In the limit, as a
>> segment sequence, the infinite staircase continues to have a length of
>> 2/x for each step, and x steps, for a length of 2.
> But if x = B, then the steps have length 1/B. If x = 1/B^2, then the
> steps have a /different length/; so these two "limits" can't be the
> same.

That wasn't even stated correctly. Limits are different from specific
infinite or infinitesimal values. Get used to it.

>>>> We can call it the unit infinity if you want, especially
>>>> since it covers a space of 1 unit. :)
>>> One might as well start somewhere.
>>> Starting from 0 and 1, we can construct the naturals. Add the concept
>>> of "subtraction", and (arguably) we get the intgeres. Add the concept
>>> of multiplication and division, and we get the rationlas.
>> Throw in exponentiation, logs and roots, and we get the reals.
> If you include roots of polynoimals, you get the algebraic closure of Q
> (normally called the algebraic numbers or A), which does not include
> transcendental numbers such as pi, e, and so on. In order to get the
> transcendentals, including "exponentiation and logs", you need a
> concept of limit; and your limit concept is currently too weak to allow
> this.

Um, perhaps. It sounds like you may have a point to make. I'm willing to
hear it.

>> I suppose
>> I should get
From: Han de Bruijn on
Quoted from a poster by Tony Orlow:

> mueckenh(a) wrote:
>> Han de Bruijn schrieb:
>>> My mathematics says that it is an ill-posed question. And it doesn't
>>> give an answer to ill-posed questions.
>> You are right, but the illness does not begin with the vase, it beginns
>> already with the assumption that meaningful results could be obtained
>> under the premise that infinie sets like |N did actually exist.

Yes. That's why I launched the "Naturals Construction Set", a while ago:

Han de Bruijn

From: Virgil on
In article <45220791(a)>,
Tony Orlow <tony(a)> wrote:

> Virgil wrote:
> > In article <45216360(a)>,
> > Tony Orlow <tony(a)> wrote:
> >
> >> Virgil wrote:
> >>> In article <1159784963.257471.99490(a)>,
> >>> Han.deBruijn(a)DTO.TUDelft.NL wrote:
> >>>
> >>>> Virgil wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>>> The problem as I recall it was this:
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Given an infinite set of balls numbered with the infinite set of
> >>>>> naturals and an "infinitely large" initially empty vase, and a positive
> >>>>> time interval in seconds, t, and a small positive time interval in
> >>>>> seconds, epsilon ( much smaller than t/2).
> >>>>> (1) At time t before noon balls 1 through 10 are put into the vase and
> >>>>> at time t - epsilon before noon ball 1 is removed.
> >>>>> (2) At time t/2 before noon balls 11 through 20 are put into the vase
> >>>>> and at time (t - epsilon)/2 before noon ball 2 is removed.
> >>>>> ...
> >>>>> (n) At time t/2^(n-1) before noon balls 10*(n-1)+1 through 10*n are put
> >>>>> in the vase and at time (t-epsilon)/2^(n-1) before noon, ball n is
> >>>>> removed.
> >>>>> ...
> >>>>>
> >>>>> The question is what will be the contents of the vase at or after noon.
> >>>> There is no noon in this problem.
> >>> There is in mathematics. The problem does not exist in physics at any
> >>> time.
> >> So, the limit "exists".
> >
> > There is a function, f, from the reals, R, representing time in suitable
> > units to the set of von Neumann naturals,N = {0,1,2,3,...}, such that
> > f(t) = the number of balls in the vase at time t, for all t.
> Yes, f(t)=9*floor(-log2(noon-t)), in minutes.

That may work for TO's game but it does not for the actual game.
> > This function has an isolated jump discontinuity at each time at which
> > any balli is inserted or removed from the vase and and at noon there is
> > a condensation point of such discontinuities and the function is
> > unbounded to the left in every neighborhood of noon, but is still
> > right-continuous at noon.
> >
> There is no jump. That's a leap of faith.

Functions may have jumps but do not leap.
> >
> >
> > Is that what you're saying? There's "the
> >> infinite case"?
> >
> > There is the function case, as described above.
> "I can neither confirm nor deny." Thanks.

Meaning TO sees he is wrong but won't admit it.
From: Tony Orlow on
Virgil wrote:
> In article <4521fc40$1(a)>,
> Tony Orlow <tony(a)> wrote:
>> Virgil wrote:
>>> In article <1159797618.679513.221400(a)>,
>>> mueckenh(a) wrote:
>>>> Virgil schrieb:
>>>>>> By the only meaningful and consistent definition: A n eps |N :
>>>>>> |{1,2,3,...,2n}| = 2*|{2,4,6,...,2n}|.
>>>>>> Do you challenge its truth?
>>>>> I challenge the "truth" of its being the ONLY meaningful and consistent
>>>>> definition.
>>>> If we insist on unique results in mathematics, then this definition and
>>>> the bijection exclude each other.
>>> Uniqueness of results depends on what one is doing.
>>> If one is considering finding a possible order relation on a set of two
>>> or more elements, would "Mueckenh" insist that there is a unique result?
>>> Does "Mueckenh" claim that there is only one function mapping
>>> {1,2,3,...} to {2,4,6,...} or vice versa?
>> There is only one natural order-isomorphic relation, defined by y=2x.
>> The inverse clearly indicates the second set is half the first, whether
>> subset or no.
> That presumes, among other things, that a proper subset must be in
> every sense smaller than its superset, but that is not true, as the
> bijection y = 2x proves..

How presumptuous of me!