From: César Lifonzo on
Programa por el Método de Elementos Finitos para el análisis estructural de vigas
From: TideMan on
On May 26, 2:10 pm, "César Lifonzo" <coamcyc...(a)> wrote:
> Programa por el Método de Elementos Finitos para el análisis estructural de vigas

I don't know what language you speak, but Google tells me you are
looking for a finite element method for the structural analysis of
I suspect you have the wrong newsgroup.
This is a newsgroup for Matlab, where we discuss coding issues and
problems using the proprietary software Matlab which is supplied by
The MathWorks.

People here don't have programs such as you want.
From: Steven Lord on

"TideMan" <mulgor(a)> wrote in message
> On May 26, 2:10 pm, "C�sar Lifonzo" <coamcyc...(a)> wrote:
> > Programa por el M�todo de Elementos Finitos para el an�lisis estructural
> > de vigas
> I don't know what language you speak, but Google tells me you are
> looking for a finite element method for the structural analysis of
> beams.
> I suspect you have the wrong newsgroup.
> This is a newsgroup for Matlab, where we discuss coding issues and
> problems using the proprietary software Matlab which is supplied by
> The MathWorks.
> People here don't have programs such as you want.

You can use MATLAB to implement the finite element method -- in fact, that's
one of the first exposures I can remember having to MATLAB from one of my
classes in grad school.


Si pregunta por ayuda con el M�todo de Elementos Finitos, escribe su
programa y una pregunta aqui (en ingles por favor.)

[It's been quite a while since I wrote any Spanish, and my HS Spanish
teacher would kill me if she knew how much I'd forgotten, but I think the
above is at least somewhat understandable.]

If you ask for help with the Finite Element Method, write your program and a
question here (in English please.)

Steve Lord
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