From: Archimedes Plutonium on

Archimedes Plutonium wrote:
> In an earlier edition of this book I relied on a publication of the
> 1980s on the cosmic
> abundance of the chemical elements and it seems as though noone in the
> science
> community is making that data up to date. If I remember correctly,
> someone in Europe,
> Holland? was keeping the data of cosmic abundance of elements. But
> whether anyone
> is making that data an ongoing up to date event is worrisome. Some
> physics data should
> be a recurring up to date report and the cosmic abundance of elements
> is one of those
> important needed reports. I have to search through my previous
> editions to find that reference. But basically, what I recall is that

An easy and quick search in Wikipedia found my old source:

Anders, E; Ebihara, M (1982). "Solar-system abundances of the
elements". Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 46: 2363. doi:

But that is the problem that I harkened to in the 1990s, was that
important data such as
the chemical composition of the Universe is data that needs constant
revision and reporting.
It is one of the most important data for telling us whether the Atom
Totality is true and
the Big Bang false. For it tells us that the elements of thorium and
uranium are too overabundant for a Big Bang theory to be true, and
that the overabundance of thorium
and uranium support the truth of Dirac's new radioactivities Additive

Archimedes Plutonium
whole entire Universe is just one big atom
where dots of the electron-dot-cloud are galaxies