From: SAS_learner on 4 Mar 2010 14:22 For a graph Change from Base line I need to put a number close to the bar which shows the number of days from baseline to the best response. To put them I am doing something like this. I do not like this solution at all as this is hardcoding the vales for Cpn. I tried to generalize my approach in the part2 I am getting values close to not way I want . Is there a better to do it . If I am adjusting the values for Cpn the txt values at end of bars are spreading all over the place. /*Sorry for rather long code*/ ; data b ; Retain Cpn Cpn_1 13 Cpn_2 ; set b (in = a); If patient= '019-010' then cpn= Cpn-.5 ; If patient= '009-025' then cpn= cpn +3; If patient= '022-018' then cpn= cpn +5; If patient= '019-022' then cpn= cpn +5.5; If patient= '009-028' then cpn= cpn +3; If patient= '009-008' then cpn= cpn +5; If patient= '019-019' then cpn= cpn +5; If patient= '009-023' then cpn= cpn +5; If patient= '009-021' then cpn= cpn +5; ********************+++++++***********; If patient= '009-027' then cpn= cpn +5; If patient= '019-009' then cpn= cpn +5; If patient= '009-024' then cpn= cpn +5; If patient= '019-002' then cpn= cpn +4; If patient= '022-014' then cpn= cpn +4; ********************+++++++***********; If patient= '009-011' then cpn= cpn +5; If patient= '022-007' then cpn= cpn +5; If patient= '009-003' then cpn= cpn +5; If patient= '009-016' then cpn= cpn +5; If patient= '019-015' then cpn= cpn +5; /***************Part2************************************ If _n_ =1 Then Cpn_2 = Cpn_1 ; Else Cpn_2 = (Cpn_2+5) ; Diff = Cpn - Cpn_2 ; **************End of Part2*******************************/ if prtdiff ^= . Then yxc = abs(ceil(prtdiff))+5; if prtdiff Lt 0 Then yxc = (Yxc-(-1))*-1; if prtdiff Ge 0 Then yxc = Yxc; Run; data anno; length function style color $8 text $20; retain xsys '3' ysys '2' when 'a' style 'solid'; set b (in = a); if a then do; function='label'; x=cpn; y=yxc; text=dd; position='2'; * angle=45; xsys='3'; ysys='2'; size=1; when='a'; color='black'; end; keep patient Subjid function x y text xsys ysys size when color yxc cpn lesion prtdiff prt/*angle*/; run;
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