From: Ohmster on
root <NoEMail(a)> wrote in news:2Fy1j.5$iX1.2(a)newsfe02.lga:

> Ohmster <root(a)dev.nul.invalid> wrote:
>> I used to have a program called "Electronic Workshop" and it was
>> great. You could put transistors, resistors, and all kinds of
>> electronic parts on a board and then "run" the circuit to see how it
>> would behave. It seems that some other fellow was so impressed with
>> Electronic Workshop that he started a thing called "spice" which is
>> the same thing only free for Linux. I downloaded the tarball,
>> extracted it, did the ./configure, the make, moved all docs to
>> "doc-pak" and then ran checkinstall "checkinstall �R make install".
>> The thing failed miserably, were at make(5) by the time the thing
>> gave up.

> I see that you might have a working solution from the
> other responses to your post. Your original problem sounds
> like a problem with checkinstall. If the original make
> worked then you should be able to install via make install.
> Checkinstall had/has problems with some versions. I think
> the problem is with recent versions of tar.

No, I had a lot of errors during the make. They tend to number as the
errors accumulate, I was up to like (5) I think. It was like the "make"
did not make at all, at least I did not see anything to indicate that
anything was made. No new binaries created or anything like that. I was
not expecting checkinstall to work after that but gave it a shot anyway,
no dice. Most of the errors were like "Entering so so directory, so and
so not found, nothing to do, exiting" and that sort of thing.

From my experience, the dreaded tarballs are alright for fairly simple
programs like iftop, but when you start making larger programs that
require tons of specific libraries, they often fail. Either I don't have
the library on my system or the application was written only for a
specific version of the lib. Also the file system layout maybe
differrent. Fedora really does not use the /opt directory but many of
these programs do and they expect to find certain things there. I really
like the rpm files with Yuma because Yuma will find the package, install
it, find out of you have any conflicting libs or programs that have to go
or be updated, find what dependencies you need and include them in the
install process, and all you have to do is agree, yes or no. These
tarballs give no such help, they just fail with cryptic messages that
could take weeks to either fix or find out that you have to give up. I
hate that and tend to shy away from tarballs for that reason. I would
have liked to try spice too but the nice fellow, John Hasler, gave me a
whole list of similar stuff to try and I first tried gnucap at the top of
the list but found it was a CLI program and I had not idea of how to
work it, then found there is a gui front end for it called gspiceui but
could not find an rpm to install it with and gave up.

I then found qucs on the web, that is on John's list, and it works pretty
good. I tried the win32 binaries first on my XP machine (Has a bigger
monitor and faster processor) and it works quite well. What I liked about
Electronic Workshop is that you could build a circuit or load a sample,
then "run" it and put a scope wherever you wanted and see the output, put
a meter where you want and read the voltage and current, and it was all
really neat so you could print a parts list and actually build the thing
you dreamed up. qucs don't really seem to have bench tools that you can
connect to the circuit to take readings and I miss that a lot. For
example, you build a one transistor amplifier, common emitter, then
inject a 20mV p-p sinewave, 1Khz signal into the base and see the scope
displaying a 2 Volt p-p 1Khz signwave on the collector, resulting in a
gain of 100 . Very useful. Then you could change the frequency of the
input to 100Hz or 20Kz and see what the gain is and where it falls off so
that you could ad, remove, or adjust the circuit to give you the spectrum
you needed and could then build the thing and it would work.

qucs will give you a simulate but then offer up a graph and a chart,
showing how it did. Not bad I guess, I could use that, but it would take
some getting used to. I cannot (so far as I an tell) put a voltmeter on a
component and watch it, just have to specify the generator parameters and
then go over the output report.

Qucs is free on win32 as well so I will play with it here for a while and
see if it meets my needs. Or else, off to delete qucs and try something
else. John was very good with supplying me such a vast list to try and so
I will be busy with it for a while.

~Ohmster | ohmster /a/t/ ohmster dot com
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