From: Helmut Eller on
* Nicolas Neuss [2010-03-11 11:02+0100] writes:

> But before starting premature optimization we should really have
> "test.txt" so that we can compare the output and the CPU time with what
> was written before:

I just put abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz in the file (no trailing newline)
and got these timings:

SBCL : 81 seconds
Allegro 8.2 : 194 seconds

Gforth 0.7.0 : 29 seconds
iForth 4.0.11 : 6 seconds

Gforth is an interpreter and iForth is a native compiler. All running
on a 32bit x86.

From: Nicolas Neuss on
Helmut Eller <eller.helmut(a)> writes:

> * Nicolas Neuss [2010-03-11 11:02+0100] writes:
>> But before starting premature optimization we should really have
>> "test.txt" so that we can compare the output and the CPU time with what
>> was written before:
> I just put abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz in the file (no trailing newline)
> and got these timings:
> SBCL : 81 seconds
> Allegro 8.2 : 194 seconds
> Gforth 0.7.0 : 29 seconds
> iForth 4.0.11 : 6 seconds
> Gforth is an interpreter and iForth is a native compiler. All running
> on a 32bit x86.
> Helmut

OK, I have invested some time and inserted some type and optimization
declarations. I have reduced the runtime by more than a factor 4 on my
machine (from 67.5 seconds to about 15.4 seconds). The largest
remaining problem is probably in

(defconstant +rnd-unity+ 4294967291)
(defconstant +rnd-mult+ 3961633963)

(let ((seed 0))
(declare (type (unsigned-byte 32) seed))
(defun set-seed (s)
(setf seed s))
(defun prng ()
(declare (values (integer 0 #.+rnd-unity+))
(optimize speed))
(setf seed
(mod (* +rnd-mult+ seed) +rnd-unity+)))
(defun rnd-byte ()
(declare (values (integer 0 255))
(optimize speed))
(setf seed
(mod (* +rnd-mult+ seed) +rnd-unity+))
(ldb (byte 8 24) seed))

Here, I had to inline the call to (prng) in (rnd-byte) by hand because
SBCL refused to inline here ("hairy lexical environment"), and also
(rnd-byte) cannot be inlined because of the same reason. Also, there is
still an optimization note for the multiplication.

Attached is my current version.


(defpackage :lc53 (:use cl))

(in-package :lc53)

(declaim (optimize debug))

(defconstant +rnd-unity+ 4294967291)
(defconstant +rnd-mult+ 3961633963)

(let ((seed 0))
(declare (type (unsigned-byte 32) seed))
(defun set-seed (s)
(setf seed s))
(defun prng ()
(declare (values (integer 0 #.+rnd-unity+))
(optimize speed))
(setf seed
(mod (* +rnd-mult+ seed) +rnd-unity+)))
(defun rnd-byte ()
(declare (values (integer 0 255))
(optimize speed))
(setf seed
(mod (* +rnd-mult+ seed) +rnd-unity+))
(ldb (byte 8 24) seed))

(defmacro with-seed ((s) &body body)
`(let () (set-seed ,s) ,@body))

(assert (with-seed (10) (= (prng) 961634011)))

(defun set-passkey ()
(set-seed 123456789))

(assert (with-seed (10) (= (rnd-byte)) 57))

(defun crypt (text)
(loop for byte across text and i from 0 do
(setf (aref text i) (logxor byte (rnd-byte))))

(assert (with-seed (10)
(map 'string #'code-char (crypt (map 'vector #'char-code "abc")))

(defconstant +word+ (ash 1 31))
(defconstant +byte+ (ash 1 7))

(defun string-to-simple-array (string)
(map '(simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (*))
#'char-code string))

(defvar *sample* (string-to-simple-array "abc"))

(defun how-far (seed)
(declare (optimize speed))
(with-seed (seed)
(let ((count 0)
(text *sample*))
(declare (type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (*)) text))
(declare (type (integer 0 #.(1- most-positive-fixnum)) count))
(loop for byte across text do
(cond ((zerop (logand (logxor byte (rnd-byte)) +byte+))
(incf count))
(t (return count)))))))

(assert (let ((*sample* (string-to-simple-array "abc")))
(null (how-far 10))))

(defun <find-seed> (upper-count seed mask)
(declare (optimize speed)
(type (integer 0 #.+word+) mask)
(type (unsigned-byte 32) seed)
(type fixnum upper-count))
(labels ((last-mask () mask)
(next-mask () (ash mask -1))
(next-seed () (logior seed mask))
(good-seed () (next-seed))
(last-seed () seed))
(declare (inline last-mask next-mask next-seed good-seed last-seed))
(unless (zerop (last-mask))
(let ((lower-count (how-far (next-seed))))
(declare (type (or null fixnum) lower-count))
(cond ((not lower-count)
(throw 'found (good-seed)))
((< upper-count lower-count)
(<find-seed> lower-count (next-seed) (next-mask))
(<find-seed> upper-count (last-seed) (next-mask)))
(<find-seed> upper-count (last-seed) (next-mask))
(<find-seed> lower-count (next-seed) (next-mask))))))))

(defun find-seed ()
(catch 'found
(<find-seed> 0 0 +word+)))

(defun test-file () "test.txt")

(defun load-file ()
(with-open-file (in (test-file) :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
(let ((text (make-array (file-length in)
:element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
(read-sequence text in)
(setq *sample* text))))

(defun show-file ()
(loop for byte across *sample* do
;;(format t " ~2,'0x" 10)
(write-char (code-char byte))))

(defun crypt-file ()
(crypt *sample*))

(defun test ()
(set-seed 0)
(format t "~%SAMPLE is encrypted and seed is zeroed; commencing cracking...")
(let ((seed (time (find-seed))))
(cond (seed
(set-seed seed)
(crypt *sample*)
(format t "~%The seed is: ~d~%The file is: ~%" seed)
(format t "~%No valid seed found~%")))))

;; (test)
From: Nicolas Neuss on
Helmut Eller <eller.helmut(a)> writes:

> * Nicolas Neuss [2010-03-11 11:02+0100] writes:
>> But before starting premature optimization we should really have
>> "test.txt" so that we can compare the output and the CPU time with what
>> was written before:
> I just put abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz in the file (no trailing newline)
> and got these timings:
> SBCL : 81 seconds
> Allegro 8.2 : 194 seconds
> Gforth 0.7.0 : 29 seconds
> iForth 4.0.11 : 6 seconds
> Gforth is an interpreter and iForth is a native compiler. All running
> on a 32bit x86.
> Helmut

Addendum: I have used a 64bit AMD machine.

And another remark relating to your measurements above: I once had the
pleasure to test 64-bit Allegro CL, and it turned out to be a lot faster
than the 32-bit version - IIRC, it was about the same speed as SBCL on
the for floating-point-intensive calculations. So, I would be
interested in how the 64bit-Allegro performs for this test.

From: Tamas K Papp on
On Thu, 11 Mar 2010 16:18:44 +0100, Nicolas Neuss wrote:

> Helmut Eller <eller.helmut(a)> writes:
>> * Nicolas Neuss [2010-03-11 11:02+0100] writes:
>>> But before starting premature optimization we should really have
>>> "test.txt" so that we can compare the output and the CPU time with
>>> what was written before:
>> I just put abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz in the file (no trailing newline)
>> and got these timings:
>> SBCL : 81 seconds
>> Allegro 8.2 : 194 seconds
>> Gforth 0.7.0 : 29 seconds
>> iForth 4.0.11 : 6 seconds
>> Gforth is an interpreter and iForth is a native compiler. All running
>> on a 32bit x86.
>> Helmut
> Addendum: I have used a 64bit AMD machine.
> And another remark relating to your measurements above: I once had the
> pleasure to test 64-bit Allegro CL, and it turned out to be a lot faster
> than the 32-bit version - IIRC, it was about the same speed as SBCL on
> the for floating-point-intensive calculations. So, I would be
> interested in how the 64bit-Allegro performs for this test.

Hi Nicolas,

If you are in the benchmarking mood, would you try this on Clozure CL?
I keep hearing good things about it. Just throwing the code as it is
(ie with declarations you used for SBCL) at it would be informative.

From: Slobodan Blazeski on
On Mar 11, 4:18 pm, Nicolas Neuss <lastn...(a)> wrote:
> Helmut Eller <eller.hel...(a)> writes:
> > * Nicolas Neuss [2010-03-11 11:02+0100] writes:
> >> But before starting premature optimization we should really have
> >> "test.txt" so that we can compare the output and the CPU time with what
> >> was written before:
> > I just put abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz in the file (no trailing newline)
> > and got these timings:
> > SBCL :  81 seconds
> > Allegro 8.2   : 194 seconds
> > Gforth 0.7.0  : 29 seconds
> > iForth 4.0.11 :  6 seconds
> > Gforth is an interpreter and iForth is a native compiler.  All running
> > on a 32bit x86.
> > Helmut
> Addendum: I have used a 64bit AMD machine.  
> And another remark relating to your measurements above: I once had the
> pleasure to test 64-bit Allegro CL, and it turned out to be a lot faster
> than the 32-bit version - IIRC, it was about the same speed as SBCL on
> the for floating-point-intensive calculations.  So, I would be
> interested in how the 64bit-Allegro performs for this test.
> Nicolas

My machine shows 64 s for the Helmut code and 21 s for your version.
I've installed VfxForth and gForth but I don't know how to load forth
file with them nor how time them. Anyway this problem is far too much
bit twiddling for my taste so I'll have to pass.

big thanks to Helmut Eller again
