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From: "Andy "Krazy" Glew" on 8 Nov 2009 15:20 Are any comp.arch folk going to SC09 in Portland? I am obviously going to be there on Sunday, the workshop day - assuming that my wife agrees. I am currently wondering about spending any other days there.
From: davewang202 on 8 Nov 2009 17:50 On Nov 8, 12:20 pm, "Andy \"Krazy\" Glew" <ag-n...(a)> wrote: > Are any comp.arch folk going to SC09 in Portland? > > I am obviously going to be there on Sunday, the workshop day - assuming that my wife agrees. > > I am currently wondering about spending any other days there. Hi Andy, I'll be at SC09 on Wed and Thur. Not sure what sessions I'll attend, but perhaps just hang out in Inphi's booth. I just joined Inphi, and I don't have much to do with the product that Inphi is announcing at SC09, but I've been asked to join the festivities. David
From: Larry on 8 Nov 2009 17:53 On Nov 8, 5:50 pm, davewang202 <davewang...(a)> wrote: > On Nov 8, 12:20 pm, "Andy \"Krazy\" Glew" <ag-n...(a)> > wrote: > > > Are any comp.arch folk going to SC09 in Portland? > > > I am obviously going to be there on Sunday, the workshop day - assuming that my wife agrees. > > > I am currently wondering about spending any other days there. > I'll be there Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, helping Matt Reilly and John Mucci try to bootstrap Magnus Parallel Computing and looking for HPC projects for Sector 9 Software or Serissa Research. In other words, looking for a job. I went to the last 5 SC's on behalf of SiCortex, and I've gotten used to the pagentry. -Larry
From: Brett Davis on 10 Nov 2009 01:15 In article <XPGdnV2xSonZtWrXnZ2dnUVZ_gNi4p2d(a)>, "Andy \"Krazy\" Glew" <ag-news(a)> wrote: > Are any comp.arch folk going to SC09 in Portland? > > I am obviously going to be there on Sunday, the workshop day - assuming that > my wife agrees. > > I am currently wondering about spending any other days there. How does SC09 compare against WORLDCOMP? And/or to ICPP 2009? And/or anyone else? At Worldcomp I played "spot the obvious fatal flaw", 80% of papers failed, half the rest would have failed after a googling. Did not leave much worthwhile, nothing but grad students and profs, with a few flakes like me thrown in. ;) Brett
From: "Andy "Krazy" Glew" on 11 Nov 2009 00:33
Brett Davis wrote: > How does SC09 compare against WORLDCOMP? And/or to ICPP 2009? And/or > anyone else? I've never been to SuperComputing. Nor WORLDCOMP. In fact, I had never heard of this conference until your post. Ah, it's the big federated conference - perhaps I have attended, in one of the few years that ISCA was prt of it. I know ICPP, but have never attended. My "usual" conference circuit is ISCA, HPCA, MICRO, ASPLOS. If I'm lucky, Hot Chips or Microprocessor Forum. "Usual" is not, really. Intel used to only approve two events a year, and often not even that if you were not part of the in crowd. I'm only signed up for SC'09 because it's in Portland. I was in the habit, when I was at Intel, of paying my way to nearby conferences, in Portland or Seattle, in the hopes that Intel would pay for a conference far away. Didn't always work. I'm so glad that I'm out of Intel. I was starving, intellectually, technically. Even just being able to post to comp.arch is liberating. |