From: Alessandro Antonangeli on
Il Fri, 12 Feb 2010 11:14:01 -0800, wolverine ha scritto:

> Maybe i code in the wrong way but if i open a SplitWindow from the
> ShellWindow i have some problems, for example: (1) when i open the
> window associated with the menu item of the TreeView in the right pane,
> the caption of that window is lost and the window get zoomed (i need
> open one or more windows in the panel two, if the use click one menu
> item and then another menu item then will be two open windows in the
> pane two)
> (2) i can press the restore button od the SplitWindow that i show
> zoomed, inclusive when i remove that button from the window
I f you really need the caption of the window, I think that you have to
resize and positionate the window you create depending on the owner.
But if you can do with some controls (a SLE like a caption, a close
button), you can use another split window for the right panel, so that
you can add how many win you like


Ciao, Alessandro
From: hp on
> Fabrice has a sample that does exactly this. Can't remember what it is
> called though..

Look at fabrice's Outlook bar sample.

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