From: dpb on 15 Dec 2009 20:27 Bee wrote: > typically these create one large file. nogo. .... Only if you set them up that way. go And, again, all you would need would be a simple batch file to run zip that wouldn't take but about five lines or so to do... --
From: Nobody on 15 Dec 2009 21:25 "Bee" <Bee(a)> wrote in message news:C2233A4F-9DCA-4AED-A6F2-382735F7A7DD(a) > Very interesting code to explore; however, it seems to demand a lot of > setup > work for each "backup" to do what i want. Nope. Just compile it or run it from the IDE, delete all the sample backup jobs, then click New on the toolbar and just keep clicking Next until you see all options. It's one of the simplest backup software that I have seen.
From: MikeD on 15 Dec 2009 22:02 "Bee" <Bee(a)> wrote in message news:2ACFD896-6AD8-42C2-8F58-9EB9923F877D(a) > I would like to write a VB6 app to archive my source code. > But maybe this already exists and I am then just doing an exercise. PLENTY of backup and archiving tools available to do this. Unless you're really wanting to write a VB app to do this as a learning exercise, you're probably better off using an existing utility. You should be able to find a free one, so try several out. If none of them does exactly what you want, then look to ones you need to buy (as those usually offer more features). I can't imagine anything you'd even need to buy would be more than $50 (US). Even for those, they are probably shareware or fully-functional demos that you can try out first. If you still can't find anything that'll suit your needs, maybe then you need to consider writing your own app that will do exactly what you need. I really can't imagine it coming to that though. If nothing else, use a source code control app like SourceSafe, which I believe was suggested already a couple of times. You can then even take the additional step of backing up the source code control's database files using conventional backup software (Windows Backup or whatever). My point is that there are so many options for backing up files already that unless your needs are VERY VERY specific, it's probably not worth the time and effort to write your own. -- Mike
From: Bee on 15 Dec 2009 22:31 Sorry for the terminology confusion. I have hundreds of top level folders that I need to zip individually and keep apart. That would require setting up for each rather than just dragging in a bunch of top level folders and issuing a command to do it all. Yes it is simple and powerful but does not seem to support batch processing. "Nobody" wrote: > "Bee" <Bee(a)> wrote in message > news:C2233A4F-9DCA-4AED-A6F2-382735F7A7DD(a) > > Very interesting code to explore; however, it seems to demand a lot of > > setup > > work for each "backup" to do what i want. > > Nope. Just compile it or run it from the IDE, delete all the sample backup > jobs, then click New on the toolbar and just keep clicking Next until you > see all options. It's one of the simplest backup software that I have seen. > > > . >
From: Bee on 15 Dec 2009 22:37 Hmmm ... I have several vista PCs and several XP PCs. The Vista PCs have SATA 3G drives. The XP PCs have the old IDE drives. XP kick a$$. I wrote a test routine for disk writing and reading. My app pushes the Vista drives to near their spec but Vista Windows Explorer copy paste operations for one SATA to another SATA are dog slow. Seems that Vista puts this type of op in the background tasks and frees up CPU time for other things. This is a Quad Intel 2.4GHz PC with 4G RAM and usually 2 GBytes free. Even my XP laptop beats the QUAD by a wide margin. "Tony Toews [MVP]" wrote: > Bee <Bee(a)> wrote: > > >so i need to copy "zip" files to CD, DVDs and flash quickly. > >that leaves Vista and probably Win7 out. > >XP is pretty quick. > > On this I don't see how Vista and Win 7 would be significantly slower > than XP. When copying large amounts of data you're mostly at the > mercy of the drivers and raw hardware. > > Tony > -- > Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP > Tony's Main MS Access pages - > Tony's Microsoft Access Blog - > For a convenient utility to keep your users FEs and other files > updated see > Granite Fleet Manager > . >
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