From: gaijinco on 2 Sep 2006 11:13 Hi! I been programming in C/C++ for 2 years basically in a hobbist way (never done anything serious) For a while I did really basic game programming in ActionScript. Now I'm begging to learn Java I have set my first big project: An arkanoid / breakout clone game. Because I want to learn from the process I don't want to use any libraries besides what comes with JDK. Aside from the basics I want to include a level editor. As I advance in the development I would like to share my thoughts, problems, code, etc. Right now I'm a bit scarried about physics / collision detection. When I was programming in ActionScript I remember having a headache with that (specially simulating the physics for the ball) Does anyone can point tutorials or resources that could help me? Thanks a lot I hope to post soon about the experience so far.
From: Chris Smith on 2 Sep 2006 13:48 gaijinco <gaijinco(a)> wrote: > Right now I'm a bit scarried about physics / collision detection. When > I was programming in ActionScript I remember having a headache with > that (specially simulating the physics for the ball) In any conventional sense of the word, there is no physics in a "breakout" game. You pretty much get to pick your own rules. The typical rules are that hitting a wall just inverts the corresponding component of velocity, and hitting the paddle sets the horizontal velocity depending on the position where the ball hits. None of this has any physical justification. There is also no gravity, although a version with gravity (and a suitably fast initial velocity so that the ball could reach the top) would be interesting, I suppose. > Does anyone can point tutorials or resources that could help me? > The Java Tutorial on is good, and very extensive and detailed. Google should find it easily. If you want something more specific, please ask a specific question. -- Chris Smith
From: Ed on 4 Sep 2006 05:04 gaijinco skrev: > > Does anyone can point tutorials or resources that could help me? > A fine Space Invaders tutorial: ..ed -- - Home of The Fractal Class Composition. Download Fractality, free Java code analyzer:
From: gaijinco on 8 Sep 2006 07:47 Thank you all for your responses! Ok. I thnik I know now enough to start building. I'm going to check NetBeans and Matisse. So there is no physics, per se? But I would think that to create a better game it would be great to put physics. Fortunalety it seems that it doesn't have to be quite complex, just to bouncing of the balls and the ability to put effects into the ball (like in tennis) Is there any library that helps with that? Standard or not? A what about collision, is there something to built upon? Thanks again.
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