From: mm on

I'm sure you guys know about these, but maybe the lurkers don't.

I couldn't or at least didn't find these on the Asus site!

Asus Probe II
This one works fine on XP. Easy to install.

Does this work on non-Asus motherboards?
It really works well for me, giving the temp of the mobo and the cpu,
and even keeping a history of them. Etc. It doesn't monitor the
power supply in my case, but it does those two things.

This one has 3 programs. AsusProbe, and Smart Doctor that is
supposed the same sort of thing, I think, for the fan on video card
and (at least for ASUS ATI Series Graphics Cards and ASUS NVIDIA
Series Graphics Cards, but I'm not sure (but not for ATI RADEON LE and
SE)) which installed but didn't run on my XP installation. Said "Fail
to load dlls! But my video card doesn't even have a fan, so I guess
it doesn't matter much. The Help works and it's mostly for games. I
don't play games either.

The help says "ASUS SmartDoctor is a powerful utility designed for
three major goals. Overclocking, monitoring and cooling"

Program 3 is to update the mobo bios. If one is so inclinded.

All are freeware.