From: Niranjan L on

for k = 1:size(ellipse,1)
asq = ellipse(k,2)^2; % a^2
bsq = ellipse(k,3)^2; % b^2
phi = ellipse(k,6)*pi/180; % rotation angle in radians
x0 = ellipse(k,4); % x offset
y0 = ellipse(k,5); % y offset
A = ellipse(k,1); % Amplitude change for this ellipse
x=xg-x0; y=rot90(xg)-y0; % Center the ellipse
cosp = cos(phi); sinp = sin(phi);
idx=find(((x.*cosp + y.*sinp).^2)./asq + ((y.*cosp - x.*sinp).^2)./bsq <= 1);
p(idx) = p(idx) + A;


for the above code, the error is:

??? Attempt to call constructor image with incorrect letter case.
Error in ==> imshow at 246
hh = basicImageDisplay(fig_handle,ax_handle,...

How can I solve this problem?
From: ImageAnalyst on
I tried to test it for you and this is what I get:

??? Undefined function or variable 'ellipse'.

Can you say what toolboxes you use, or else provide ALL of the code
necessary to test your code?