From: Fumei2 via on
Technically speaking, we do not know if the CREATEDATE is the correct thing
to do.

What if the document was created December 12, 2008...but the date in the
document was for - oh, I don't know - the date an invoice was sent, November
2, 2008. Or, the date of something in the future "Pay up by February 1, 2009
or we will send thugs."

I can agree that it is likely that CREATEDATE is what the OP wants, but we
certainly do not know this for sure.

If CREATEDATE is not desired, unfortunately the OP is out of luck. If the
DATE field was set for automatic update, there is no record of its original

Terry Farrell wrote:
>I can hear the Indian Ocean calling!
>> I'm very relieved to hear you haven't completely lost your senses! Have
>> fun on your vacation!

Message posted via

From: Terry Farrell on
Well Yes and No!

If it shows 'date of invoice' that was a day that differed from the
CreateDate, then it was probably entered manually and wouldn't update. If
the Op new how to enter a different date (from the CreateDate)
automatically, I guess they would know sufficient about Word dates to
understand CreateDate anyway. <g>


"Fumei2 via" <u53619(a)uwe> wrote in message
> Technically speaking, we do not know if the CREATEDATE is the correct
> thing
> to do.
> What if the document was created December 12, 2008...but the date in the
> document was for - oh, I don't know - the date an invoice was sent,
> November
> 2, 2008. Or, the date of something in the future "Pay up by February 1,
> 2009
> or we will send thugs."
> I can agree that it is likely that CREATEDATE is what the OP wants, but we
> certainly do not know this for sure.
> If CREATEDATE is not desired, unfortunately the OP is out of luck. If the
> DATE field was set for automatic update, there is no record of its
> original
> value.
> Terry Farrell wrote:
>>I can hear the Indian Ocean calling!
>>> I'm very relieved to hear you haven't completely lost your senses! Have
>>> fun on your vacation!
> --
> Message posted via