From: Catherine the Brit on
I am trying to view ASP. ( average selling price. )

item Units sold against revenue

Is there a report or can someone provide simple instructions on how to view

I am new to NAV so help is appreciated.
From: Savatage on
there might be a report but I'm not sure. If you look at the item card you
will see there are 2 fields "Sales (Qty.)" & "Sales ($)". You could write
your own report.

Item.Calcfields("Sales (Qty.)","Sales ($)");
If "Sales (Qty.)" = 0
then AvgPrice := 0
else AvgPrice := "Sales ($)" / "Sales (Qty.)";

AvgPrice type Decimal - Place it in the SourceExp of a textbox that is being
show on the report.

"Catherine the Brit" wrote:

> I am trying to view ASP. ( average selling price. )
> item Units sold against revenue
> Is there a report or can someone provide simple instructions on how to view
> this?
> I am new to NAV so help is appreciated.