From: Stephan on

Does exist a work around which corrects different axes sizes in a subplot figure?

I have noticed that box plots appeared smaller than plots of histograms. Thus, they are not in line, which results in a really creepy look of the figure.

I have initialized a 3x2 subplot figure for A4paper format with
figure1 = figure(...
'PaperUnits','centimeters', ...
'PaperPosition',[0.6345 6.345 20.3 15.23],...
'PaperSize',[20.98 29.68]);

I would like to have same axes size for all figures, regardless of different plotting commands (such as plot, hist, boxplot, etc). Furthermore, top and bottom of each subplot should be in line on the left and right hand side of the figure.

Summarized, I would wish nothing more than a simple, symmetric and aligned figure of several subplots .
