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From: King, Peter R on 29 Sep 2009 07:42 I have a bitmap image (.bmp file) - call it pict - that I wish to use as the background for some graphics. I do this with Graphics[Table[Point[{x, 50 Sin[2 \[Pi] x/100]}], {x, 0, 100}], Prolog -> Inset[pict]] (the actual graphics is more complicated than a sine curve but never mind). Now if I just display the graphics by typing pict I can rescale this by clicking on the image and dragging the corners of the orange box. However when I overlay the graphics onto the image (as above) and try to drag the box it rescales the plot but not the background image. Is there any way I can link the two together so I can rescale by dragging the cursor? I tried GraphcsGrouping but that didn't get me anywhere. I am using version Many thanks. |