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From: RichA on 16 Feb 2010 16:41 Looks like DPreview shaved some points off the D3s review owing to the cost of the camera. The Brit magazines have been doing that for years. I've used the pro Nikons and I love the bodies, the control you have, the responsiveness, but honestly, would owning the D700 at about $2500 really be worth less than half the cost of a D3s? With the D3x, you could make a case solely based on resolution, but at 100-400 ISO, there is almost nothing to distinguish a D3s from a D700 or a D300s, for that matter. Also, lets be realistic about ISO. The D3s is the best so far when it comes to noise control, no doubt, but 100,000 ISO? The RAW images look like a P&S produced them at 3200 ISO which means the images are basically useless. My benchmark is that if noise and image degradation are clearly visible in an 8x10 print, the ISO is set too high. 12,000 ISO is usable. |