From: Skybuck Flying on

I think it's time I show you people the correct code... however I have no
time to port the Delphi code to Free Basic...

Also the correct Delphi code (in full) is not yet released.

However it is possible for anybody out there that is interested in a fix to
fix yourself by following the following instructions:

The bug is in

procedure TBattlefield.Resize( ParaHeight : Tinteger; ParaWidth :
Tinteger );

Find these two lines below:

// now delete the old warriors
mWarrior := nil;

// now assign the new warriors to mWarrior
mWarrior := vNewWarrior;

Then add this new code below it:

// *** new code ***:

// generate new warriors in case the array size grew.
for vY := 0 to ParaHeight-1 do
for vX := 0 to ParaWidth-1 do
if (vX >= vMinimumWidth) or (vY >= vMinimumHeight) then
// the copy operator (let) will take care of proper/correct copieing
mWarrior[ vY * ParaWidth + vX].Generate( mSimulatorSettings^ );

// update the mHeight and mWidth with the new ParaHeight and new
mHeight := ParaHeight;
mWidth := ParaWidth;

This solves the potential resize bug ! ;)

Port the code to free basic and you all done ! ;)

For now
Skybuck ;) :)