Word 2003/Vista style names mystery I am working on a 200+-page doc, using styles. For no reason I can identify, new style names have begun spontaneously populating the list of Styles and Formatting. All are numeric--403056801z0 or similar, followed by a group of Wingding symbols or text in Greek, and all are based on "underlying properties." The num... 21 May 2010 10:37
How to set display % When I open word document(Word 2007), it is displayed in 172% size. How can I chanage this difault setting to for example, 100%? ... 20 May 2010 17:14
Reminder - Microsoft Responds to the Evolution of Community Microsoft Office Evolves Community as Part of Office 2010 Launch: As you know, this is a big year for Microsoft as we are launching the latest version of Office. Office 2010 is all about making it easy for you to get and use Office on your terms. Office 2010 lets you work from the office, from home, or at s... 25 May 2010 09:07
How to remove the copy and paste inhibit in word. How do I remove the copy and paste inhibit in a word document. ... 20 May 2010 09:28
Word 2003/Vista crashes spontaneously Hallo, over the last couple of days Word 2003 has developed the nasty habit of crashing spontanesously while I'm working on a document. It informs me that it is not working properly and is closing down and is collecting information. It will inform me when a solution is available. It restarts about 2-3 minut... 26 May 2010 01:37
Office 2007 Help files Did Microsoft recently change the way the Help facility <F1> works? It seems to me, as someone who used it quite a bit, that they have made a major change, which was certainly not an improvement. ... 19 May 2010 02:51
Professional manufacturing WEB of sites for firms and organizations. WEB-design. Professional manufacturing WEB of sites for firms and organizations. WEB-design. Dearly and qualitatively. Service and promotion of ready sites. Registration of the domain and a hosting for 1 year free of charge by development of a site. webmaster2003(a)hotmail.com ... 17 May 2010 21:20
how do i eliminate "Caps Lock" With XP I was able to disengage "Caps Lock" so that my poor typing would not hit the Caps key AND END UP LIKE THIS WHEN I LOOK UP> HELP! ... 20 May 2010 10:34
The long, medial or descending s (ſ) I need to insert into my document the old-fashioned letter "s" that resembles an italicized "f" without the crossbar of the "f." I am using Word 2007 and wonder how I can replicate that letter. [The long "s" was used at the beginning and middle of words, as seen in the Bill of Rights, for example] Thanks ... 15 May 2010 15:55
how do i get rid of small "th" I'm just wanting to insert a regular sized "th" after writing the date but Word automatically makes it smaller - please help me. Thanks ... 16 May 2010 08:06 |