From: Personne on

I'm trying to block my users to stream radios, I have found this post

regex audio-mpeg "audio/.*"

policy-map type inspect http test_radio
protocol-violation action drop-connection log
match response header content-type regex audio-mpeg
drop-connection log
match request header user-agent regex _default_windows-media-player-
drop-connection log

policy-map global_policy
class inspection_default
inspect http test_radio

This works pretty well, unfortunately some sites ( are
streaming through the https port, nothing is encrypted but it uses
port 443, so I have tried to modify my policy map to "policy-map type
inspect httpS test_radio" but of course my ASA 5505 do not want to
hear about inspecting httpS

I will greatly appreciate a solution

If by chance you also have a solution to block ShoutCast radio, that
will be nice :)

Thank you