From: rafallub on 10 May 2010 04:59 Hi, I've defined my axes as follows: h_ax = axes(...) then I loaded an image: h_im = imshow(img_org); In the next step the ButtonDownFcn is defined: set(h_ax, 'ButtonDownFcn', @(h, ev) KS_im) and of course the HitTest-Property of h_im has been deactivated (the reason is clear) set(h_im, 'HitTest', 'off') Now I found that the ButtonDownFcn works only if the axis of the defined axes is ON, otherwise (axis OFF) the ButtonDownFcn doesn't reply. Is that possible that the axis defines the area for the mouse click? How to make the ButtonDownFcn active without making axis visible? best regards!
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