From: Bo Persson on

"David F" <David-White(a)> skrev i meddelandet
> I think that you and Ismail are both right. Ismail is technically
> right, GC
> makes that pointer-to-member impossible like it makes many other
> ISO C++ standard impossible. You are right because the whole thing
> called GC being imposed on a programmer is one big compatibility
> flap.
> Computer science theory proved already decades ago that altogether,
> GC is more of a liability than an asset and I never heard that there
> were
> new theortical revelations here. If there were, I thank in advance
> for
> pointing me to such news. Besides, there are many GC packages
> available in the market for C++ for those who OPT for it, and w/o
> forcing one to use it and worse, modifying the language as MS did.

It is not only GC that is the trouble. There are semantic differences
as well, like not allowing you to override private member functions.

ECMA C++/CLR and ISO C++ are two totally different languages.

> Just to make it clear, I am happy to use several MS products.
> When they came out with Word 2.0, I dumpped Word Perfect in no time.
> Even though VS IDE contains an
> important piece, Windows Forms, that was stolen from Borland's IDE
> (what
> good ORIGINAL work came out of MS?), and generally I prefer
> originals
> over immitations,

It isn't an imitation, it is the original. MS has the same designer
Borland once had.

>From Turbo Pascal to C#...

Bo Persson

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From: Ismail Pazarbasi on
> Bad luck. Mono already runs CLI programs and GCC seems just one step
>away from compiling C++ to CLI code:

Unfortunately, some (well, I think most) applications running on
Windows cannot be used with Mono, because they depend on native DLLs.
..NET is non-portable at all. Rotor was a sample that doesn't include
Windows Forms and many more libraries.

For the ECMA standard, it's a good improvement, actually. Microsoft's
standardization effort grabbed my attention, too. Having an open
standard is good, but having this standard implicitly depend on another
platform, which's not a standard, is bad. I refer to the native DLL
case I mentioned above.


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From: kanze on
David F wrote:

> Computer science theory proved already decades ago that
> altogether, GC is more of a liability than an asset

Could you indicate some references? All of the software
engineering literature I'm familiar with indicates that garbage
collection is a good thing, and that seems to line up with my
personal experience -- I'm more productive using C++ with
garbage collection than without.

James Kanze GABI Software
Conseils en informatique orient?e objet/
Beratung in objektorientierter Datenverarbeitung
9 place S?mard, 78210 St.-Cyr-l'?cole, France, +33 (0)1 30 23 00 34

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From: Hyman Rosen on
Ismail Pazarbasi wrote:
> The whole idea that ISO C++ states "do not move pointers",
> and the whole idea of GC is to "reclaim memory". So the
> problem is, in fact, the GC implementation is incompatible
> with ISO C++

Why do you think that reclaiming memory is incompatible
with not moving pointers?

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From: Gerhard Menzl on
Bo Persson wrote:

> It is not only GC that is the trouble. There are semantic differences
> as well, like not allowing you to override private member functions.

Not to mention that it makes you forget everything you have learned
about const-correctness.

Gerhard Menzl

#dogma int main ()

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with "kapsch" and the top level domain part with "net".

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