From: MDPC Cooray on
Dear All ,
Im a novice mathlab user , for my research , i need to compare data which I obtain from theoritical model and the data from prectical sites, need to plot the same ,Appreciate if your advice aboout how i can do that,..

Ex,, I have a data set
x- distance [0, 1, 2, ........20]
y- Thoritical Findings [12.67 , 13.6 , ,..]

z - Coresponding practical data set against X for one x there are multiple z values ( since we have taken number of readings )
z1 - [12.5 , 13.4 ,14.5,.....]
z2 -[12.43,13.65,....]

I need to find out the fitness of teoritical and practical data and need to define a coefficent which can use as a error factor in a theorical model to suit the perticuler environment

Kindly assit me ,,

Thank you