From: Magnetic on

> > Take Brian Cox as hostage. If CERN would not stop their experiments
> > cut off the Brian's head.
>     I knew it. He is an Islamic-terrorist wannabe.

Tomorrow they are ready to start the LHC collider. The Earth can be
exploded in a 1000 seconds!


In some articles about neutron stars (pulsars, magnetars) and about
magnetized vacuum lattices, created at colliders, the authors use a

qB = 2*pi*k / L^2 (in ?atomic? units).

q- charge of a “down” quark; B – external magnetic field; L- parameter
of a vacuum lattice; k-integers.

Let’s rewrite this formula in SI and let k=1. Let forget about quark
and use this formula for proton.
qB = 2*pi*h / L^2
Let’s multiply both sides of the formula by cr, where c – speed of
light; r- Compton radius of a proton.

crqB = 2*pi*h*c*r / L^2.

Using p=crq (proper magnetic moment, which is more then orbital moment
by 2), and 2*pi*r =L, and h*c/L=mc^2:

pB = mc^2.

This is the formula of a “black hole”, connected by magnetic forces,
or simply “magnetic hole”, which are dipole.

Here is analogues formula for black hole, connected by gravity forces
GMm/R = mc^2/2.

Magnetic hole is 10^36 times stronger than gravity hole!
Magnetic hole created at LHC will have the radius about 10^-16 meters
(black hole – 10^-51 meters).

At the collider RHIC they already received the field 10^15 teslas.
They already computed that in the centers of magnetars is almost the
same field.

Tomorrow they are ready to start the LHC collider.
The critical field, 10^16 teslas, will be achieved at the LHC.
The embryo of neutron star (magnetic black hole) will be created at
The Earth can be exploded in a 1000 seconds.
Are you happy?

Best regards, Ivan Gorelik.
Some articles: where you can find the formula (qB), or (qH), or (eH)…
arXiv:0711.2845v1 Spontaneous creation of chromomagnetic field and A0-
condensate at high temperature on a lattice
arXiv:0710.1084v2 Axial anomaly and magnetism of nuclear and quark
arXiv:hep-ph/0508219v1 Color Ferromagnetism of Quark Matter ; a
Possible Origin of
Strong Magnetic Field in Magnetars
arXiv:hep-lat/9210028v1 The Savvidy “ferromagnetic vacuum” in three-
dimensional lattice gauge theory
arXiv:0912.1413v1Chiral and Diquark condensates at large magnetic
field in two-flavor superconducting quark matter
arXiv:1002.0418v1 Chiral Magnetic Effect and Chiral Phase Transition
arXiv:0807.2917v1 QCD Vacuum Properties in a Magnetic Field from AdS/
CFT: Chiral Condensate and Goldstone Mass
arXiv:0909.1808v2 Lattice QCD in strong magnetic fields
arXiv:hep-ph/0205348v3 Magnetic catalysis and anisotropic confinement
in QCD
arXiv:0706.3208v3The chiral condensate in a constant electromagnetic

From: Darwin123 on
On Feb 24, 8:58 am, Magnetic <magnetic.t...(a)> wrote:
> > > Take Brian Cox as hostage. If CERN would not stop their experiments
> > > cut off the Brian's head.
> >     I knew it. He is an Islamic-terrorist wannabe.
> Tomorrow they are ready to start the LHC collider. The Earth can be
> exploded in a 1000 seconds!
Good. That should give us some time to recognize the end of the
world. A giant earthquake and storm will make me regret not having
recognized your dire warning.
I should get at least half my talk done.